Department of Education Professional Learning Institute GOOD TEACHING Differentiated Classroom Practice Learning for All Module 1
Module 1 – Learning goals Teachers will: 1.Understand that they have a responsibility to provide challenging and engaging learning opportunities for all students. 2.Know their students’ backgrounds, interests, strengths, challenges and learning profile. 3.Plan personalised starting points for learning. 2
Student Learning Goals Students will: Demonstrate increased engagement Demonstrate increased level of performance Become self-regulated learners 3
Department of Education Professional Learning Institute Module 1 Section1: What is differentiation? Section 2: Knowing your students Section 3: Pre-assessment 4
Understand the rationale for differentiation Broaden our knowledge of differentiated classroom practice Develop a shared meaning of differentiation Section 1 – Learning intentions 5
Before we begin Describe your current understanding of differentiation Describe some ways you differentiate to meet the needs of your students Share with 2 others at your table 6
Links to DoE priorities Turn to pages 3 and 4 7 Tuning in
In this section we hear from an expert and explore some of the research about differentiation. We discuss their points of view and see how this fits with/challenges our thinking. 8 Learning process
Engaging with the research Option 1 View both Carol Ann Tomlinson videos: What is differentiated instruction? A rationale for differentiation in today’s schools Video clips – Option 2 Read one article: The Rationale for Differentiated Instruction in Mixed-Ability Classrooms Deciding to Teach Them All Record your key points on Worksheet 2 – Part A 9
Department of Education Professional Learning Institute Form a group so that all the research is covered Share back key points from the videos and articles Record key points on Worksheet 2 – Part B Sharing the research 10
Read pages 5 and 6 Group discussion: How do the key messages connect with the research? How do the key messages and research make you think differently about differentiation? Use Worksheet 2 – Part C to record your discussion 11 DoE key messages
How are we doing? Read Domain 7 – page 14 Individually rate your own practice = doing well * = area for focus Read page 15. As a group consider: How you would rate your school? What could be the focus for next steps? 12
Summary of learning ‘Differentiation includes…’ What are two key ideas about differentiation that stand out for you at this stage? Share with a partner Square your pair (group of four) Whole group share back ‘Our school believes differentiation is …’ Complete the statement as a whole group 13
Commitment to action Before the next section, we will reflect on our new understanding and definition of differentiation. Record on Worksheet 3 – I used to think … Now I think … We will share this reflection next time. 14
Where to next? 15 Section 2 of Module 1 focuses on knowing your students as an important aspect of differentiated classroom practice.