Globelics Background, Purpose, Activities Presentation at Tanzania Workshop Dar es-Salaam, March B.-Å. Lundvall Aalborg University & Globelics
Globelics – §Global network on the §economics of §learning, §innovation and §competence building §systems
The origin §Initiated around 2000 by scholars coming from Innovation Studies and evolutionary economics (Freeman, Nelson, Soete and myself ) §Joining forces with scholars from the south (Cassiolato, Gu, Muchie and Joseph) §2000 the first ideas were developed – Africa First seminar as inspiration the first meeting in Aalborg was organized – 2003 the first conference in Rio. §Gradually bringing in scholars from development studies.
The purpose §To contribute to academic capacity building in the South linking the field Innovation and competence building systems to economic development. §To contribute to knowledge based development strategies linking innovation to economic development. §A platform for South-South collaboration. §A MODEL for low-cost Capacity Building – platform building – cf. Cicalics.
Activities §Annual conference §Annual Academy with research training §Regional meetings and academies in Asia, China, Russia, India, Latin America. §Meeting place for major projects on: Catching-up (Nelson), Brics-project (Cassiolato), Unidev-project (Brundenius) Innovating out of Poverty (Djeflat)
Mode of operation §Low cost and informal structure – the scientific board and the secretariat. §Big names who come as speakers find their own funding for travel to conferences – attractive gatherings – idealistic element. §Local and regional funding gives commitment!! Support for specific projects (IDRC) and travel from the South (Sida). §Seed money to inspire local platforms to become self-sustained.
Impact §Affecting the research agenda locally §Exploiting synergies globally and regionally §500 full papers every year on innovation, competence building and economic development. §Annually 100 Ph.D. students at global and regional academies §Affecting the policy agenda (President in Senegal and the Vice President in Argentina)
Building AfricaLics §Grant from Sida aiming at strengthening activities especially in Africa since autumn support from IDRC and Aalborg University. §Build research capacity in Africa with strong links to users – including policy makers and private sector §Establish AfricaLics as an open network similar to CicaLics in China. §Annual conferences and Academies – the Globelics conference 2014 in Africa. §Better access to publications both as users and producers – mentoring schemes. §Initiating the platform for African thinkers and doers to be made sustainable by local support.
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