The Global Authority on the Environment DEWA Africa DWG Meeting 16 th to 17 th JUNE, 2003 GRID - GENEVA SWITZERLAND
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Key objectives of AEIN Strengthen capacity at the national level for managing and using information relevant to Africa’s environmental resources Facilitate access to environmental data and information to improve good governance and public participation in decision-making; Focusing on Information/Data Management
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Recommendations From AEIN Meeting Pretoria – 24 to 26 Feb 2003 Harmonization of the different data collection tools (parameters, functionality, classifications/Taxonomy - envoc,etc) Development of core spatial data sets (on the basis of requirements for SoE, AEO, GEO, MEAs, NEPAD, WEHAB, MDGs, Jo’burg Plan of Action) List of indicators (for each of the Thematic areas) Production of Africa Environment Outlook (AEO) complimentary products (Data portal(s), Data Compedium, vital graphics, AEO for Youth, video scripts etc.)
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Indian Ocean Region SoE Southern Africa SoE Eastern Africa SoE Africa SoE Northern Western Africa SoE Central Africa SoE AEO II Report NFPNFP Data Centre NF P Data Centre AEIN/ AEO - Structure
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning AEO/GEO - Linkages 2006NA AEO II LAC GEO IV Report
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Proposed Thematic areas - AEO II Development (socio-economic) (trade, war/conflict/peace, governance, demographic) Land (land use) (degradation, drought, deforestation, habitat loss) Freshwater (scarcity/ access/ availability, flooding, wetlands degradation, sanitation) Atmosphere (climate change, air quality, variability, carbon emissions) Biodiversity (habitat, species, bio-safety, over- harvesting) Coastal and marine (coastal erosion/ pollution, sea level rise) Cross Cutting issues: Access to resources, Invasive species, management, national & trans-boundary issues, pollution, Natural disasters, Health/diseases)
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Data Collection Tools In Africa CATI SOE – Developed for West Africa by NESDA Sustainable Development Indicator System (SDIIS) – Developed for Northern Africa by CEDARE NOTE: All funded by UNEP In order to provide input to AEO & GEO
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning CATSOE INDICATOR TOOL – NESDA
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Extracts from the CATI SOE Tool - GRAPH
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning SDIIS – CEDARE
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning SDIIS INDICATOR TOOL - CEDARE
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Extracts from the SDIS Tool - GRAPH
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning Other Features of SDIS Tool - MAPS
Environmental Information, Assessment & Early Warning WAY FORWARD Agreement on the guidelines for data/information management tools (parameters, functionality, classifications/Taxonomy - envoc,etc, metadata?) to ensure interoperability; The tool(s) should be flexible enough to accomodate the AEO/GEO indicators; Data should be collected once and used for the Africa GEO data portal and AEO II & GEO process; Africa GEO Data portal will use available data for initial version to be made visible on the web by end 2003;
The Global Authority on the Environment THANK YOU