YEAR 3 CURRICULUM INFORMATION FOCUS VALUE: Celebrating Differences AUTUMN TERM /15 GEOGRAPHY/INTERNATIONAL: Children will learn about how chocolate is made and where its raw ingredients come from. This will be linked to issues surrounding fair trade, focusing on our host nation of Ghana. REMINDERS: Children will be given homework tasks related to our topic, Maths and Literacy. Homework is given out every Thursday and must be returned by Tuesday the following week. Any problems or questions, please speak to the Year 3 team: Mrs Powell (3A), Mr Arroyo (3D), Miss Abwooli (3B) and Mrs Gwaje (3C) Eastbury Primary School Dawson Avenue, Barking, IG119QQ Chocolate HOST NATION: Ghana SCIENCE: Children will be learning about the science behind how chocolate is made, exploring melting and cooling points and different states. They will conduct different experiments exploring what happens when they change one factor. HISTORY: Children will be learning about the history of chocolate, its invention and how the manufacture of it has changed over time.
MATHS: Multiplication & Division – recall and use multiplication and division facts for x6, x7, x8 and x9 tables. Write multiplication sentences involving 6,7,8 and 9. Find division facts by recalling multiplication facts. Multiply a 2 or 3-digit number by a 1-digit number with regrouping in ones, tens, hundreds and thousands. Divide a 1 or 2-digit number by a 1-digit number with and without remainder. Word Problems – solve 2-step word problems on multiplication. Write 2 step word problems. Mental calculations – add a 2-digit number close to 100 to another 2-digit using the “add 100 and subtract the a number strategy”. Use commutative property as a pattern to find a multiplication fact. Chocolate ENTRY POINT: W/C EXIT POINT: W/C ENGLISH: As part of our IPC Topic, ‘Chocolate’, we will be reading and discussing ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’ by Roald Dahl Non-chronological texts – Understanding and using the features of these texts to create an information booklet about chocolate. Recipes – Exploring the features of recipes and writing a recipe for making chocolate. Adverts – looking at different advertising of chocolate and using this to create their own advertisement for the chocolate bar they have made ICT: Children will use ICT this term to support their learning in other subjects and their IPC Topic. They will use computers to carry out research on the history of chocolate, where the ingredients come from and for researching their favourite chocolate bars. ART/TECHNOLOGY: As part of their IPC topic, children will use Art to create posters to advertise chocolate bars they have made and for creating their own chocolate bar wrappers. They may choose to use different mediums for this, including computer software. PE: We will be playing various games indoors and outdoors this term such as Court, net and wall games like netball, football, tennis and basketball. RE: Children will be exploring the theme of Christmas and how we celebrate it today in comparison with the original biblical story of the birth of Jesus. They will focus on how chocolate is used as part of a symbol of Christmas.