The Basics of Biblical Womanhood KYLE RAPINCHUK. Introduction to Biblical Womanhood  Like a Girl Like a Girl.


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Presentation transcript:

The Basics of Biblical Womanhood KYLE RAPINCHUK

Introduction to Biblical Womanhood  Like a Girl Like a Girl

Proverbs 31  She is trusted (v. 11)  She does good to her husband (v. 12)  She works hard (v , 19, 27b) and is discerning in matters of business (v. 16, 19, 24)  She provides for her family (v. 15, 21-22, 27a)  She cares for the poor (v. 20)  Her husband is known and respected (v. 23)  She is strong and dignified (v. 17, 25)  She is wise and kind (v. 26)  Her children call her blessed and her husband praises her (v. 28)

Proverbs 31  She is trusted (v. 11)  She does good to her husband (v. 12)  She works hard (v , 19, 27b) and is discerning in matters of business (v. 16, 19, 24)  She provides for her family (v. 15, 21-22, 27a)  She cares for the poor (v. 20)  Her husband is known and respected (v. 23)  She is strong and dignified (v. 17, 25)  She is wise and kind (v. 26)  Her children call her blessed and her husband praises her (v. 28) “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised.”—Proverbs 31:30

1 Peter 3:1-6  “Do not let your adorning be external—the braiding of hair and the putting on of gold jewelry, or the clothing you wear—but let your adorning be the hidden person of the heart with the imperishable beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which in God’s sight is very precious.”—v. 3-4  The quiet spirit here does not mean a woman can’t be bold or talkative, but rather that she avoid grumbling that would prevent a non-Christian husband from seeing God’s grace and goodness in her behavior. This is a good lesson for all women so that their behavior reflects the gospel rather than detracts from it.

1 Timothy 2:8-15  Verses 8-9 are similar to 1 Peter 3:3-4.  Proper adorning with respect to clothing, not focused on braided hair, jewelry, or costly clothing  Adorned with modesty and self-control  Paul says this is proper for women who profess godliness  Their godliness should be manifest in their good works, not in their appearance  Verses are controversial. For purposes here, the point is that there remains a distinction between men and women and their roles in the church, and Paul supports that through an appeal to two aspects of Genesis 1-3.  Adam was formed first (v. 13)  Eve was deceived, but Adam was not (v. 14)

The Deception of Eve  Genesis 3 tells the story of the serpent deceiving Eve.  In 1 Timothy 2, Paul seems to build upon the narrative of Genesis 3 to suggest that women now have a greater propensity to believe lies. Where I want to focus is on the way that women tend to believe lies about themselves.

Lies Women Believe  Some common lies women believe…  Submission means doing everything men (esp. my husband) say  Being a homemaker is not an honorable “job”  Being a homemaker means I can’t work outside the home  My sins (gossip, selfishness, materialism, self-pity) are not so bad.  I’m not worth anything, I am unlovable, there’s something wrong with me…because I don’t have a husband or boyfriend.  If I were only married or dating I wouldn’t feel lonely, depressed, worthless.

Practical Advice  Your identity is in Christ as a daughter of God.  Singleness:  Use your giftings to serve God in the context of the local church  Use your freedom as an opportunity to advance the gospel  Demonstrate the gospel through a gentle and quiet spirit, respect, and faithfulness.

Practical Advice  Dating/marriage:  Use your giftings to serve God in the context of the local church  Find a godly man:  Who love Jesus more than you  Who is working towards God’s unique calling on him to be a man after God’s own heart  Don’t settle for anything less—ever!  Encourage the right kind of guys, and be the right kind of girl  Do not try to manipulate guys to like you  Focus on your own spiritual growth, not on outward appearance  Be an inspiration, encourager, rescuable (yet guard your heart—Prov 4:23)  Build your existence around Christ

Practical Advice for Guys about Girls  Encourage them to find their identity as a daughter of Christ  Encourage them when they manifest qualities of biblical womanhood, not primarily their appearance  If you are pursuing them, do not try to replace their central focus on God with yourself.

Continue the conversation…  Singleness  Submission  Role in the local church  Biblical examples: Ruth, Esther, Mary, etc.