Chapter 2: Prehistoric People BC Page 32
Section 1: The Paleolithic Age Until 1.75 million years ago, people lived only in eastern and southern Africa. The earth’s climate became colder and people moved. Ocean water froze into glaciers at this time, and sea level fell. Land bridges then connected areas of the earth.
People migrated around northern Africa and crossed land bridges into Europe and Asia. (700,000 years ago) They arrived in the Americas between 40-15,000 years ago.
Old Stone Age AKA Paleolithic age 2.3 million to 10,000 years ago People were hunters and gatherers. Lived in small bands (30) Lived no longer than years old Hunted “home territory” which was about two square miles Women gathered berries, nuts, eggs, and fruit.
Men obtained meat, through hunting and fishing. Couldn’t kill large animals Hunting became easier as they learned to make tools. The earliest tools were called the Olduvai pebble tools. People also learned to make fire. Warmth, protection, hunting, weapons, clearing land
Shelter, Clothes, Language Early People: Camped or lived in caves Used animal hides for clothes Once they had clothes, people settled in colder areas. Language started as hand signals and progressed to a simple language. Younger people could now learn from the elders.
The Neanderthals Homo habilis: “skilled man” first people on earth Homo erectus: “man who walks upright” Homo sapiens: “man who thinks” ,000 years ago. Two kinds of Homo sapiens: Neanderthals and Cro-Magnons
Neanderthals 1 million of them lived at one time: Europe and Africa Good hunters, used pitfalls to kill Built houses for up to 30 First people to bury their dead
Cro-Magnons Appeared around 100,000 years ago in N. Africa, Asia, and Europe Skilled tool makers: invented the burin or chisel Great hunters which increased food supply Made spears with sharp antler or bone tips