MTN Pre-Conference 11 Sept 2012 Welcome/Introductions Linda Hogan, RN 1
Presenter Disclosure Information Linda Hogan MTN Welcome/Introductions FINANCIAL DISCLOSURE: No relevant financial relationship exists 2
6 MTN STAFF Linda Hogan, MTN Interim Coordinator SFC Stephen Dohn, NCOIC/ACLS HM1 Brian Politi, Army BLS TSgt Trina Myers, Navy BLS HM1 David Baumbach, PALS HM2 Juan Vega, Air Force BLS TSgt Shontay Alles, Knowledge Ops Ms. Ruth Sullivan, Program Assistant
MTN National Faculty MAJ Michael Arnett, Army BLS CDR Amy McBride, Navy BLS [pending] Air Force BLS CAPT Renee Joskow, USPHS BLS MAJ Michael Cole, Army ACLS CAPT Francesca Cariello, Navy ACLS Maj Bryan White, Air Force ACLS LTC Tonya Kratovil, Army PALS LCDR C. John Podraza, Navy PALS Lt Col David Bush, Air Force PALS 7
8 OVERVIEW MTN Mission MTN Structure MTN Relationships Scope/Demographics
9 MISSION The mission of the Military Training Network (MTN) is to develop and implement policy guidance and ensure compliance with curricular and administrative standards for resuscitative and trauma medicine training programs for the Uniformed Services and the Department of Defense affiliates. The Tri-Service MTN staff provides service specific expertise, central record keeping, world-wide coordination of programs, and ensures that national resuscitative and trauma medicine organizations are aware of the unique requirements of military medicine.
13 SCOPE 339 Affiliated Training Sites 519 Programs 330 BLS 112 ACLS 77 PALS (PEARS) > 16K Instructors > 250K Students trained (FY10)
14 Questions Military Training Network Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences 4301 Jones Bridge Road Bethesda, MD (301) DSN