Palmetto Cyber Defense Competition 2016 Enterprise Meeting 19 November 2015 Jeff Sweeney PCDC Director Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Atlantic (SSC Atlantic) Information Assurance Policy & Risk Management For PCDC Planning Purposes Only 1
2 PCDC 2016 PCDC will be at Trident Technical College On 9/10/11 April 2016
3 National Initiative for CyberSecurity Education
PCDC 2016 Gold Team ▼Gold Team has been staffed, Josh Lewis is the lead ▼Dell has already delivered initial allotment of switch, servers, and laptops and gold team has already begun working on network ▼Scoring engine being modified ▼Large equipment buy in conjunction with C-ROC/PPG – Dec/Jan? ▼Still trying to identify lab space at SPAWAR for pre-staging ▼Competition network will be a medical information system 4
PCDC 2016 Red Team ▼Red Team to again be lead by Sam Cappella ▼Red Team will again have at least 16 members ▼Openings for Red Team members still exist ▼Workforce Development opportunity ▼Will need to up their game this year ▼Will again visit Blue teams at end of event 5
PCDC 2016 Blue Team Mentors ▼Blue Team Mentors to again be lead by Dennis Wilson ▼Still looking for government and industry mentors ▼Need skill set in networking, mitigation, firewalls and/or OS ▼Primary mentor will be SPAWAR on 9 April ▼Continuing to update and improve training materials and curiculum ▼Training environment hosted at TTC is up 24x7 6
CyberPatriot 2015/2016 ▼Air Force Association CyberPatriot is a partner and qualifier 3 teams in South Carolina before partnership with PCDC 30+ teams in 2013/2014 40+ teams in 2014/2015 87 teams in 2015/2016! Wando has 9 teams, Stratford, LTA, DW Daniels have 5 teams 1 team per high school allowed for PCDC Hanahan, Pinewood Prep and Porter Gaud are several of the new schools 7
PCDC 2015 Innovations to return ▼PCDC 2016 will again include High School, Collegiate and Pro Days ▼Music chosen by students was played constantly and will be repeated ▼Red Team members visited teams at end of competition ▼ASA switch was configured and operational ▼National Guard Classes (Cyber Kill Chain, Cyber Threat Analysis) ▼Pro Day college student imbeds worked well and will be repeated ▼Rotating judges and automating inject delivery 5 8
9 PCDC 2016 ▼Bob Miller confirming Mr. Frank Abignale ▼Met with IXIA to determine feasibility of using their network traffic generator for Will need full network operational for final evaluation ▼Ken Dilks, AFCEA PCDC lead has put out sponsorship brochure ▼Kelly Anderson, Air Force, offering up volunteers ▼Looking at adding Forensics element this year ▼Bags and bottles – SPAWAR, looking for other items for goody bags ▼Order more T-shirts and meals ▼SRA- wiring
PCDC 2016 ▼Providing Diagrams ahead of time? ▼Sponsorship opportunities are available as well as the opportunity to compete ▼Pro Day: Gov’t: USCYBERCOM, AF Cyber, NCDOC, SCNG ▼Pro Day: Cont: SCANA Energy, SRA, SRC, SENTAR/SPARC ▼ invite has gone out to Gov’t teams 10
PCDC 2016 ▼Revisit sponsors on T-shirts. Late sponsors will not be included ▼PAO/Trophies –Chis Ward/Anne King will be coordinating with Pro-2- Serve? ▼Grants secured for Monday also, this year, except for food ▼Met with SPAWAR HR in November- will be getting info to distribute to competing students. High School and Collegiate interns will be looked at, but focus will be on hiring new professionals that are mostly juniors in College 11
PCDC 2016 ▼White team lead, Andrew Osti looking for judges. Need 10 per day. Need to have some technical skills ▼Will be at C5ISR Conference with materials ▼Hotel update – do we still want to reserve? ▼ website now has pictures posted and link to video ▼Work with 7 HBCs to utilize some of DoE Grant. Received call from SC Department of Education: Tony Dillon Dr. Wright (Claflin University in Orangeburg) has asked to for an opportunity to host a cyber security competition and/or work with PCDC 12
PCDC 2016 Team Leads ▼Director – Jeff Sweeney ▼Gold – Josh Lewis ▼Red – Sam Cappella ▼White – Andrew Osti ▼Blue/High School Coordinator – Dennis Wilson ▼Collegiate Coordinator – Vince Van Houten, (Deputy Director) ▼Pro Day Coordinator – Bob Miller, (Deputy Director) ▼AFCEA POC (new) – Ken Dilks 13
Thanks to our 2015 Corporate Sponsors !. 14
Thanks to our 2015 Corporate Sponsors. 15
16 Important Links ▼ PCDC Website: ▼ PCDC Facebook : ▼ PCDC Twitter : ▼ Cyber Patriot : ▼ AFCEA : ▼#PCDC15
PCDC Primary POCs ▼ Jeff Sweeney, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Director , ▼ Bob Miller, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Deputy Director , ▼ Vince Van Houten, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Facilitator, Collegiate Coordinator , ▼ Chris O’Sullivan, SSC Atlantic, PCDC Gold Team Tech Lead , ▼ Whitney Bridges, AFCEA Treasurer, Alutiiq , ▼ Ken Dilks, AFCEA PCDC Lead, Dilks-Simone, Inc , ▼ Tonya Davis, Trident Technical College , ▼ Don Pearsall, AFCEA President , ▼ Dennis Wilson, SPAWAR, Blue Team Mentor Lead, High School Coordinator , 17
18 Wrap Up ▼Thoughts? ▼Big Ideas? ▼Innovations? ▼Questions?