Leonie Hoijtink, Hans te Brake, Michel DückersESTSS, Vienna, The Resilience Monitor Development of a Measuring Instrument:
Introduction (1/2) Goal of the Resilience Monitor Establish determinants of resilience Gain insight into the perception of resilience determinants Encourage the use of these determinants in future research
Introduction (2/2) Main question: Which factors are related to the extent to which Dutch citizens are able to overcome a disaster?
Methods 1. Identifying determinants –Literature review –Expert interviews –Expert panel 2. Making determinants operational –Use of (inter)nationally validated instruments –Online internet panel –Explorative and confirmative analyses
Key determinants Personality traits Social context Socio-economic position Relationship government-civilians Factual knowledge Actual behaviour
Results (1/3) N=1361 Representative sample for Dutch population –Gender –Age –Family size –Urbanity
Results (2/3) Dealing with difficult circumstances Value self and life Personal Competence Trust in capabilities Trust in information Searching for information Adapting behaviour Affecting Social support Place attachment Social optimism Social context Psychological resilience Impact and behaviour Trust in government and information
Results (3/3) Model for psychosocial resilience Social context Psychological resilience Impact and behaviour Trust in government and information
Conclusion (1/2) Why is a measuring instrument of psychsocial resilience important? Uncover mechanisms behind psychosocial resilience Possibilities to anticipate on and enhance resilience Aid policy makers
Conclusion (2/2) Attempt to uncover the underlying mechanisms of psychosocial resilience: Established 4 determinants of psychosocial resilience: –Psychological resilience –Social context –Trust in government and information –Impact and behaviour Further research and testing of the model and instrument is encouraged, e.g. –Following real-life crisis situations –Longitudinal; how does resilience develop over time
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