Ocean acidification is occurring negative impacts climate negative impacts fisheries
Sybil Seitzinger Executive Director, IGBP
Ocean acidification (Feely et al., 2008) * Atmos CO2 seawater CO2 pH
Ocean acidification is occurring negative impacts climate negative impacts fisheries
29% 26% 45% Fate of anthropogenic CO 2 emissions ( ) Le Quéré et al. 2009, Nature geoscience; Canadell et al. 2007, PNAS, updated +
Climate & ocean acidification CO 2 dissolves sw decreases with pH
Climate & ocean acidification CO 2 dissolves sw decreases with pH Organisms remove CO 2 make biomass calcium carbonate shells
Coccolithophores NASA image E. huxleyi G. oceanica C. braarudii C. quadriperforatus Coccolithophores largest producer of calcite on Earth Ambient pH Riebesell et al Langer et al. 2006
pH disrupts shell formation NASA image E. huxleyi G. oceanica C. braarudii C. quadriperforatus Coccolithophores largest producer of calcite on Earth Ambient pHpH Riebesell et al Langer et al. 2006
Ocean acidification is occurring negative impact climate negative impacts fisheries
Decreasing pH Ries et al Cooley and Doney 2009 Ocean acidification slows shell calcification economic losses global shellfish prod billion US$ disruption livelihoods Net calcification rate (wt% per 60 d)
International coordination standardize methods coordinate field campaigns synthesis
Summary for Policymakers
Ocean acidification is occurring negative impacts climate negative impacts fisheries Still much to be learned!
Sybil Seitzinger Executive Director, IGBP