FOMENTING PUBLIC SECTOR INNOVATION: INDUCTION STRATEGIES Public Sector Innovation Week - Turning Ideas into Solutions. 2 December 2015, Brasilia Marco Daglio Project Manager Observatory of Public Sector Innovation Public Governance and Territorial Development OECD
Innovation lifecycle Identifying issues Needs assessment Horizon scanning Generating ideas Sourcing Selecting Developing Making the case Risk assessment Implementing Testing / prototyping Resourcing Knowledge flows Evaluating Impact assessment Capacity assessment Diffusing Growing Scaling
Enabling innovation Making innovation part of the day job Trialling and making mistakes Targeting resources Leveraging networks Getting leaders on board Co-producing with users
Getting Leaders on Board Canada’s Central Innovation Hub Housed in the Privy Council Office, acts as an information and guidance resource for all government departments Connects innovators across government and sectors An innovation catalyst, creating solutions for different policy, program and public service challenges
Making Innovation Part of the Day Job Belgium’s "Spring uit de band" (jump wild, become crazy) An innovative learning network in the Flemish government that coaches civil servants and projects The network creates a more innovative climate and encourages collaboration across departments The learning program helps refine innovation processes and supports innovators learn in government
Trialling and Making Mistakes Finland’s Cardboard Hospital Provides opportunity for staff, architects and patients to co-design Hospital infrastructure and services New ideas and better evaluation are enabled through a reconstructed physical space and environment A cross-disciplinary group negotiates differing needs in a constructive way aiming for an end result through the prototyping activity
Targeting Resources The UK’s Impact Readiness Fund £2 million Cabinet Office Impact Readiness Fund pilot funds social ventures to put systems, processes, and governance in place to understand and improve social impact Generates lessons on models of capacity building support that can be scaled up Helps social sector collect, manage and analyse data to manage business and maximise impact
Co-producing With Users Netherland’s Municipal Budget “Citizen Experts” City of Zeist launched citizen engagement process on 2010 austerity dialogue to close €6 million budget gap Citizens co-commissioned new solutions with the municipality for more efficient service delivery 95% of the 200 “citizen experts” proposals were adopted by city council without any changes
Leveraging Networks The U.S.’s LAUNCH A global innovation platform created by NASA, USAID, Department of State and NIKE to pool resources to seek innovative technologies and ideas for development Searches for transformative innovations and connects to thought leaders and experts to implement 10 innovators’ projects without using government funding Focus on transforming materials and manufacturing systems to have social, environmental and economic impacts
“ I will be happy to give you innovative thinking. What are the guidelines?”
What can we do? A Call to Action Building innovative capacity across the public sector means focusing on: –the people involved –the information they are using –the rules and processes which govern their work –the ways in which they are working together