By Zach Thomas
Computers, like all technology, make daily life easier. Computers are used in every job field, from the military to food production. Computers can do massive calculations, without the risk of human error.
Early computers were bulky, and could not process much information. Mostly used by the military to coordinate artillery.
Computers slowly became more sophisticated and more powerful, but were still primitive and not widely used. Some computers used vacuum tubes for power. In 1954, the first computer programming language is invented by John Backus. Fortran is still used today for programming scientific and mathematical applications.
The internet was “invented” in Not widely used for 30 years, it was used to communicate between universities. The internet gave the computer more uses, but the internet did not develop into a worldwide web until the 1990’s. Now the internet is used for everything from shopping to social networking.
IBM made the first computers for home use, in Word processing and easy operating systems, like windows, made computers easy to use. In 1984, apple makes its first computer. This begins a huge rivalry. Laptops become popular in the 1990s-2000’s
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Modern computers have massive processing power, and can be very small. Laptop computers are very popular and are often used for music and schoolwork. Computer tech is evolving so fast, new technology in 2010 becomes obsolete in New types of computers, such as the ipad, are becoming popular.