The History of Audio By Cailey Roberson
Thomas Edison really played a large role throughout the history of audio. He invented many things including the phonograph. Thomas Edison
Thomas Edison invents the phonograph. 1877
The first music is put on a record The first music is put on a record. Jules Levy plays Yankee Doodle on his cornet. 1878
Edison improves his original phonograph by making an electric motor-driven phonograph. 1888
Marconi successfully experiments with his wireless telegraphy system in Italy. 1895
Experimental optical recordings are made on motion picture film. 1901
Lee DeForest invents the triode vacuum tube, the first electronic signal amplifier. 1906
The first live broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera. 1910
The first “talking movie” is demonstrated by Edison. 1913
The Radio Corporation of America (RCA) is founded. 1919
“The Jazz Singer” is released as the first commercial talking motion picture. 1927
Magnetic recording on steel wire is developed for commercial use. 1933
BASF makes the first plastic-based magnetic tapes. 1935
“Fantasia” is released, made with eight- track stereophonic sound. 1940
Ampex produces the first tape recorder (the Model 200). 1947
The Audio Engineering Society (AES) is formed. 1948
1954 Germany introduces the electromechanical reverberation plate. The first pocket transistor is produced by Sony. 1954
Les Paul makes the first 8-track recordings. 1956
The first commercial stereo disk recordings appear. 1958
1963 Philips introduces the first cassette tape. The Beach Boys use the first large full- range sound system for their concert tour. 1963
The Beatles were the first to intentionally incorporate guitar feedback on a song (I Feel Fine). 1964
Robert Moog creates the synthesizer. 1965
DuPont makes the CrO2 cassette tape. 1974
Digital tape recording is used in professional audio studios. 1975
Philips demonstrates the CD. 1981
Sony releases the first CD player. 1982
Apple markets the Macintosh computer. 1984
The first digital consoles appear. 1986
DVDs and DVD players are introduced. 1997
MP-3 players appear. 1998
Citations ory.timeline.html http://community.digitalmediaacademy.or g/12758-how-the-beatles-changed-music Citations