A Short Overview Melcher-Dallas K-12 Gifted and Talented
What do we offer? In the handout, look through the Academic Services. These will show you what we offer to our students as part of our programming. The goals of gifted administrators is not to necessarily be the “teachers” but to make sure that all gifted students are being serviced appropriately according to their talents.
What are our goals? Our main goal is to make sure that every student identified as a TAG student is being serviced. This goal will take into account the fact that we have identified the correct students to receive services and that they are receiving appropriate services for their giftedness.
Where do I come in? As a regular education teacher, the gifted staff needs your assistance with making observations and identifying the gifted population throughout the different curricular areas. One of the main improvements the state wants us to make is to improve the way that gifted students are being serviced in the regular classroom- which means differentiation and collaboration.
What do I need to do? Keep the ideas I will present to you today about gifted students in mind when making student observation. Realize the identification process for gifted students is ongoing and students can be added in the middle of the year if you feel they need more assistance. Differentiate- ask for help to make your classroom a better learning environment for gifted students. Plan tiered assignments that let students think on the upper level of Bloom’s taxonomy.
Identifying students for gifted programs can be a difficult job. Multiple assessments must be used in order to make sure we are reaching all of the students possible. Teachers need to have some background knowledge about gifted learners in order to be able to identify the appropriate population.
Myths and Realities about Gifted Learners MythsRealities Gifted Students do not need help, they can manage on their own. Gifted students have a ton of opportunities in life. Gifted students fit in easy and are good students. Gifted students may have a wide range of abilities but often need help focusing. Gifted students may fall behind in classrooms due to boredom.
GIFTED STUDENTS CAN BE DIFFICULT IN THE CLASSROOM… Why? Gifted students are often perfectionists who want a lot of your time and be very sensitive to grading practices. Gifted students may already know the curriculum you are teaching or know MORE than you are teaching and want to expand. Gifted students will often argue answers and information that they think are correct. Any other ideas?
How do I reach gifted students in my classroom? DIFFERENTIATE: Use flexible grouping and tiered activities! ACCELERATE COMPACT CURRICULUM ASK FOR HELP IN YOUR CURRICULUM FROM A GIFTED COORDINATOR!