Introduction to Causal Analysis Farrokh Alemi Ph.D.
What is a cause? Farrokh Alemi Ph.D.
What is a cause? Farrokh Alemi Ph.D. for exercise
What is a Cause?
Fitting in clothes one size smaller
What is a Cause? … because I want to be healthy.
What is a Cause? My commitment and will power makes me exercise.
What is a Cause?
Root Cause Immediate cause Relapse Analyze & Understand Change
Cause and Effects Are Events
My spouse makes me exercise My spouse reminded me to exercise Causes are Temporary Events
All Causes Describe a Mechanism Root cause … Direct cause Effect
All Causes Describe a Mechanism Watching a late show Sleeping late Waking up late No exercise before work
The Impact of a Cause Is Not Certain
Watching a late show Sleeping late Waking up late Exercise before work
Causes Increase Likelihood of Effects Vacation Exercise
Causes Precede Effects Vacation Exercise
Causes Precede Effects Anticipation of going on vacation Exercise
Effect Cause Other causes Everything Is Not a Cause
Exercise Bike to work Make a bike route Everything Is Not a Cause
Exercise Bike to work Everything Is Not a Cause
Got up early Phone call No exercise I got up early and almost did my morning exercise before I got interrupted by a call.
Counterfactual I could have exercised if I had gotten up early.
Counterfactual I would have exercised if I were on vacation.
Counterfactual Instead of getting up early to exercise I took my time and made a good breakfast.
Get a ballInvite friends Play soccer Get right clothes Causes Working In Concert
Sell car and bike to work Give up space and park at far end of the lot Exercise Alternative Causes
Take Home Lesson New Thinking
Take Home Lesson A cause is an event that occurs sometimes
Take Home Lesson Precedes the effect
Take Home Lesson Co-occurs frequently with the effect
Take Home Lesson Absent cause, absent effect
Take Home Lesson Directly leads to the effect
Take Home Lesson Describes a mechanism
Take Home Lesson Can be modified
Take Home Lesson Search for Causes An event that occurs sometimes Frequently precedes the effect Absent causes, absent effect Directly leads to the effect Describes a mechanism Can be modified