NPS implementation
Do you remember what do we want? More and better experiences!
At this session we will talk about ‘ better ’ part
Quality VS Satisfaction
Quality Quality | The actual vs. the standard Set by the organization providing the product Satisfaction | The actual vs. the standard Set by the individual experiencing it
Watch the logic! 1. Super customer experience cause customer super satisfaction. 2. Customer super satisfaction cause customer extreme loyalty and love <3 So we can measure quality of experience we provide by measuring customer loyalty!
How to measure customer loyalty? Net Promoter Score
NPS is based on the fundamental that organization’s customers can be divided into three categories: Promoters, Passives, and Detractors. And one simple question can define which group customer join: “How highly would you recommend this experience to your friends and colleagues on a scale from 0 to 10?”
HOW DOES IT WORK? Matched Realized Completed (went home)
Important points Comparing just entities’ NPS numbers is incorrect Goals set based on “evolution” or trend of NPS score
1) Fire-fighting: Solve customer’s concerns Follow-up Requested Open Case In Progress Close Case UNSATISFACTORY EXPERIENCE
Fire-fighting Case-solving system Fast reacting Monitoring
2) Innovation : CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Reference, Harvard Business Review, May 209, Manage Customer-Centric Innovation, Systematically)
Process improvement To know why people like or dislike this program which things need improvement To evolve your processes!
3) Brand XP Team : Showcasing Impact
Marketing To know why people like this program why people chose this program To design new projects and new products
How often we need to check it Process improvement Fire-fighting Marketing All programs: Every day! GCDPi – after realization GCDPo - after realization, use in reintegration and after recruitment (when OPS is conducted) GIPi – once a month GIPo – as GCDPo TM – 1 month after recruitment, 2 months after recruitment, right before next recruitment
Who needs to check it? Process improvement Process improvement Fire-fighting Fire-fighting Marketing Marketing LC NPS Responsible and LCP LC NPS Responsible and LCP VP Communication VP Communication VP Program VP Program
Scheme of work MC NPS responsible LC NPS responsible MCVPs Programs LCVPs Programs NPS System
Platform for it You all have LC Logins User Password: Lcnamenps Ex: Change Passwords and Enjoy
Next Training Q&As about system. Showcasing Stories from the network. Technical Training about different parts of the platform