OCLC Online Computer Library Center 1 Developing Your Advocacy Goal
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 2 Session Purpose In this session, we will discuss advocacy goals and objectives, and you will develop an advocacy goal for your library.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 3 In this session, you will: Session Agenda 1.Discuss the purpose and process for developing an advocacy goal. 2.Learn how an advocacy goal serves as the foundation for an Advocacy Action Plan. 3.Develop your own library advocacy goal.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 4 What is an Advocacy Goal? Advocacy Goal Describes the specific change or action you want decision-makers to make to help create the desired policy or funding change you seek to support the sustainability of your library.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 5 Developing an Advocacy Goal What is a need in the community that the library can help fill? Q: This determines your advocacy goal What is preventing the library from filling this community need? What can we do to change this / what solution will help the library overcome that barrier? What solutions are possible when decision-makers are involved (i.e. through advocacy)?
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 6 Discussion: Relationship Between Community and Library Needs
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 7 Advocacy Goal Example Which requires convincing decision-makers to make a policy or funding change? Q: Community need Access to opportunity through Internet Library Offering Library offers public Internet access. Problem / Barrier Outdated computer and Internet services No technology maintenance planning in their regular work No established standards for maintenance and updates No government funds for updates to computers and Internet services A:
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 8 Advocacy Goal Example (continued) Possible Solution #1: The local government increases the public library’s annual budget to cover the cost of updating computers and Internet services. Which requires convincing decision-makers to make a policy or funding change? Q: Advocacy Goal: By June of next year, the local government increases the public library’s annual budget by two percent. Possible Solution #2: Library has a technology maintenance and replacement schedule to ensure its technology services remain up-to–date for users.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 9 Activity: Advocacy Goals Test Our mayor dedicates new funding to the library in the annual town budget. The local community donates 100 new books to the library. The chief budget officer for the town increases the library’s budget by 2%. The library staff raises $2,000 for new computer equipment from private donors. The local high school principal publicly speaks about the value of the library to the city council. X X X
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 10 Advocacy Objectives The measurable and more immediately achievable milestones that bring you closer to your advocacy goal and provide the structure of your Advocacy Action Plan. Advocacy Goal The Feast Advocacy Objectives The dishes that make up your feast
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 11 1.The library’s chief supporter on city council once again provides testimony urging continued funding of the library. 2.At the time the testimony is given, the majority of the city council members are aware of the ways in which public Internet access at the library is benefiting the community and the number of citizens using the service. 3.By January of next year, city council proposes a new resolution that positions public Internet access as a core library service and recommends an annual budget increase. 4.By April of next year, the budget increase is set at two percent to cover the necessary costs for updated computer and Internet services. Advocacy Objective Examples Advocacy Goal: By June of next year, the local government increases the public library’s annual budget by two percent.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 12 No Change (maintains the situation that already stands) Relative Change (improving, increasing, decreasing, or strengthening something) Absolute Change (creates or establishes something that didn’t exist before). What Makes a Good Objective? Objectives are specific and measurable changes that bring you closer to your advocacy goal
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 13 Building Toward Your Advocacy Goal Advocacy Goal What we want to achieve that will help sustain the library. Objectives Changes or achievements that make our goal possible. Objectives should be measurable. Tactics Actions and tools we will use to execute the objectives.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 14 Advocacy Tactics Example TACTICS 1.Identify the members you need to reach 2.Collect evidence of library use and support 3.Organize the community to demonstrate its support of the library Objective: At the time the testimony is given, the majority of the city council members are aware of the ways in which public Internet access at the library is benefiting the community and the number of citizens using the service.
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 15 Activity: Advocacy Case Study
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 16 Advocacy Action Plan The combination of an advocacy goal, objectives, and supporting tactics. Think of it as your recipe book. Goal: the final meal Objectives: the dishes you will prepare Tactics: the ingredients you need
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 17 Your goal should center around the needs of the community. Your advocacy goal should directly support your library mission. Do not confuse your advocacy goal with objectives or advocacy tactics that are required to accomplish your advocacy goal. Tips for Creating an Advocacy Goal
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 18 Advocacy Action Plan Workbook
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 19 Reviewing our agenda: Discuss the purpose and process for developing an advocacy goal. Learn how an advocacy goal serves as the foundation for an Advocacy Action Plan. Develop your own library advocacy goal. Closing
OCLC Online Computer Library Center 20 Please fill out your Session Feedback Form. Evaluation