PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW Prepared by Chip German Presented to the Cornell/EDUCAUSE Institute for Computer Policy and Law
PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW SOME BACKGROUND: Chip is VP for IT/CIO at the University of Mary Washington His address is and the University’s policy site is UMW is a public, liberal arts, master’s-level university in Virginia
PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW INSTITUTIONAL POLICY CONTEXT: Usually little constituent interest in the details of this kind of policy Significant policy experience fills vacuum Important: emphasis on policy setting not as a defensive measure but as an opportunity to express institutional character and values
PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW STATE OVERSIGHT CONTEXT: State government (first “cabinet-level” Secretary of Technology in US) believes it has authority on all IT issues, including privacy and security Corporate perspective dominates (citizen oversight boards populated by corporate IT officers)
PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW STANDARD CUSTOMER-ORIENTED PRIVACY: e.g. Gramm-Leach-Bliley compliance – e.g. state-mandated web-site policy – efforts to reduce use of SSNs usually not specific to institutional character and values – defensive policy
PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW PRIVACY, EMPLOYEE “RIGHTS” AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM: Rigorous process for DMCA or for investigative/legal discovery – – /it_security_incident_respo.phphttp:// /it_security_incident_respo.php
PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW PRIVACY, EMPLOYEE “RIGHTS” AND ACADEMIC FREEDOM : Drawing lines on monitoring that are appropriate to the academic enterprise – – _case_death_or_serious_d.phphttp:// _case_death_or_serious_d.php
PRIVACY – A CIO’S VIEW POLICY AS EXPRESSION OF CHARACTER: Affirmative Driven by a deep understanding of the values worth preserving, sometimes against a tide of emotion Resonant with cultural touchstones, i.e.: –