Christian Steadfastness Demonstrated 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18
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Rejoice Always Does this sound strange? Does this sound strange? It is not referring to a feeling It is not referring to a feeling 1 Thess. 4:13 1 Thess. 4:13
Rejoice Always Perhaps best to think about it as an attitude we are told to maintain Perhaps best to think about it as an attitude we are told to maintain There should be a general optimism among There should be a general optimism among God’s people This is best reinforced in the context of a community—i.e. the church This is best reinforced in the context of a community—i.e. the church
Pray Continually Don’t miss the forest for the trees Don’t miss the forest for the trees Eph. 6:18 Eph. 6:18 Each day we are bringing our prayer and petitions to the Lord—and through the day Each day we are bringing our prayer and petitions to the Lord—and through the day we should be breathing prayer
We should learn to pray more and LEARN TO PRAY We should learn to pray more and LEARN TO PRAY We should come to see prayer as participating in the advance of God’s will We should come to see prayer as participating in the advance of God’s will (Rev. 8:1-5; Romans 8:26-27) Pray Continually
We should pray and not give up (Luke 18:1) We should pray and not give up (Luke 18:1) We must pray resting in God’s will—no matter what it is We must pray resting in God’s will—no matter what it is Jesus is our model (Mark 14:41-42; Hebrews Jesus is our model (Mark 14:41-42; Hebrews12:1-3)
Give Thanks in all Circumstances (v. 18)—this is God’s will for you (v. 18)—this is God’s will for you He does not say give thanks “for” He does not say give thanks “for” all circumstances but IN We as God’ people have confidence We as God’ people have confidence
Give Thanks in all Circumstances Acts 5:40-41 Acts 5:40-41 Acts 16:22-25 Acts 16:22-25 Our reaction to this verse and the other two may tell us volumes about our walk Our reaction to this verse and the other two may tell us volumes about our walk We must ask the Lord to help us. We must ask the Lord to help us.