Database Fundementals By. Bushra f. alharbi
Textbook and Other Resources Main reference : Elmasri, R. & Navathe, S. B., (2006), Fundamentals of Database Systems (5 th Ed), Addison-Wesley. Other : Database Management Systems by Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke Other resources will be provided at the course webpage.
Labs: Homework's (5%) Project (5%) Final lab exam (15%)
Download notepad ++ Oracle client 11 g
Project proposal Describe in 200 words a Universe of Discourse (a business, domain, organization or enterprise) for which you will be constructing a database management system to support their activity ( 4 marks ) في 200 كلمه اوصف بشكل عام عن ( عمل او مركز او منضمه او شركه ) تحتاج الى عمل نظام اداري لمركز المعلومات لديهم ويدعم نشاطهم يفترض الطالبه تفكر بشركه او جامعه او اية مكان يحتاج تنظم الداتا بيس تبعه فتشرح عن المركز ونشاطه ونوعية المعلومات للداتا بيس اللي يحتاجونها في ادارتها مثال على ذلك : مستشفى ( اسم مريض - رقم ملف - عمر - العنوان - فصيلة الدم الخ..) وممكن يذكرون بالوصف الفائده من عمل نظام يدير الداتا بيس واللي يعود على المستفيد
Project proposal Write the following information on the first page of your proposal: Full Name for each member ID for each member class section The milstone1 project proposal
Project Title Project Team Project Description Resource Requirements Milestones
Project proposal in the description : Problem: For example :The problem that this project will seek to solve is that..... Milestone …timing for tasks Solution For my final project
In general u will be able to build a database through oracle for some organization We will give u an example for every lab