CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Maaz Khan SEM IV – Total Quality Management
Agenda Introduction Customer Satisfaction TQM relation to Customer Satisfaction
Introduction Quality Quality is excellence that is better than a minimum standard. It is conformance to standards and ‘fitness of purpose’ ISO 9000:2000 definition of quality - It is the degree to which a set of inherent characteristics fulfills or exceeds requirements(customer expectations). Total Quality Management TQM is the management approach of an organization, centered on quality, based on the participation of all its members and aiming at long term success through customer satisfaction and benefits to all members of the organization and society. TQM is the integration of all functions and processes within an organization in order to achieve continuous improvement of the quality of goods and services. The goal is customer satisfaction. Integrated Management approach towards quality Customer Satisfaction Customer satisfaction is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectation. Customer define satisfaction in terms of their overall experience with the company. Key performance indicator within business – directly linked to revenue and profitability Not an objective statistics but more of a feeling or attitude. Is not limited to the product alone, service connected with the product such as packaging, timely-accurate shipping, ability to meet deadline matters is also important
Customer Satisfaction Who is the Customer Customer Expectations Customer Perception of Quality – Perceived Overall Quality Customer Perceived Value – Perceived Value Customer Complaints – Care/Feedback Customer Loyalty – Retention Measuring Customer Satisfaction – ACSI Score Customer Satisfaction in Service Industry
Customer Satisfaction Customer Perceived Quality is opinion of a product or brand’s ability to fulfill his or her expectations Customer Perceived Value is The consumer's perceived value of a good or service affects the price that he or she is willing to pay for it Customer Care/Service and Complaint mechanism form part of Feedback Customer Expectation on the product’s Good Quality, Pricing, Functionality, Customer Service, Company reputation. Customer satisfaction should lead to customer loyalty and customer retention.
Customer Satisfaction Who is the Customer Who is the final user of the product Customer dictates the market trends and direction – Is the Boss/King. Employers don’t pay wages but it is the customer who pays the wages! So take good care of your customers. The entire organization must in effect revolve around the customer – whether the customer is being well served and if he is really pleased, contented and satisfied with the product/service you have to offer. Customer Expectations Good Quality, Pricing, Functionality, Customer Service, Company reputation. Customer expectations keep changing along with demands Customer Perception of Quality – Perceived Overall Quality Customer’s opinion of a product or brand’s ability to fulfill his or her expectations. It may have little or nothing to do with the actual excellence of the product, and is based on the firm's (or brand's) current image, or past consumer's experience with the firm's other products, and the influence of the opinion leader’s, consumer's peer group, and others Customer Perceived Value – Perceived Value The worth that a product or service has in the mind of the consumer. The consumer's perceived value of a good or service affects the price that he or she is willing to pay for it. For the most part, consumers are unaware of the true cost of production for the products they buy. Instead, they simply have an internal feeling for how much certain products are worth to them. Thus, in order to obtain a higher price for their products, producers may pursue marketing strategies to create a higher perceived value for their products.
Customer Satisfaction Customer Complaints – Care/Feedback Feedback should be continuously sought and monitored - not one-time only Pro-active approach should be adopted Keep promises to customers, return customer calls promptly and professionally Search for customer-related improvements continuously Give every customer complete and personal attention. Review and implement customer feedback and suggestions into current procedures when needed Performance comparison with competitors can be known Customers needs can be identified Relative priorities of quality can be obtained from the horses’ mouth! Areas for improvement can be noted. Training and education to enhance job performance and commitment to customer care can be planned Feedback methods Comment cards enclosed with warranty card when product is purchased. Customer survey and questionnaire Customer visits Customer focus groups Quarterly reports Toll-free phones E-mail, Feedback section on website, newsgroups, discussion forums Employee feedback Mass communication
Customer Satisfaction Customer Loyalty – Retention This is the acid test for the bottom line- when the customer repeatedly comes back to you for repeat orders and to purchase new products by you. (In spite of stiff competition and multiple Suppliers Customer satisfaction will lead to customer loyalty and customer retention. Firm orders received or cash payments registered , market share, customer referrals and customer retention are an indication of your customer success and penetration . It costs a company six times more to sell a product to a new customer than to sell to an existing one. Loyal customers generate more revenue and are also cheaper to maintain. Customer loyalty facilitates cross selling/ up selling of a company’s other products and services and also acts as an effective barrier to the entry of competition. Measuring Customer Satisfaction - ACSI ACSI stands for American Customer Satisfaction Index Score
Customer Satisfaction in Service 1) Organization Identify each market segment Write down the requirements Communicate the requirements Organize processes Organize physical spaces 3) Communication Optimize the trade-off between time and personal attention Minimize the number of contact points Provide pleasant, knowledgable and enthusiastic employees Write documents in customer-friendly language 5) Leadership Lead by example Listen to the front-line people Strive for continuous process improvement 2) Customer Care Meet the customer’s expectations Get the customer’s point of view Deliver what is promised Make the customer feel valued Respond to all complaints Over-respond to the customer Provide a clean and comfortable customer reception area. 4) Front-line people Hire people who like people Challenge them to develop better methods Give them the authority to solve problems Serve them as internal customers Be sure they are adequately trained Recognize and reward performance
TQM relation to Customer Satisfaction TQM Principles TQM Principles alignment to Customer Satisfaction TQM Advantages with respect to Customer Satisfaction Measuring Customer Satisfaction Indicators of Customer Satisfaction in TQM Practical Example of TQM application – Kano Model
TQM principles TQM is a whole style of working. TQM means satisfying customers first time, every time. TQM is a whole style of working. Do it right the first time There is more than one route towards TQM. Organize by process not by function Customer at the center Quality product Quality service Play role model Implement TQM Communicate Remove road blocks Suppliers as stakeholders Improve input qualities through suppliers Motivated employees Team work Employee empowerment Establish performance measures Data and analysis Focus on process rather than function Manufacturing and Service processes Culture of continuous improvement at all levels Defect prevention Process, Suppliers, Customers, Employees, Continuous Improvement
Alignment of TQM to Customer Satisfaction TQM Principle Resulting Dependent Variable Resulting Corelation Customer focus Cost of the product Customer Satisfaction Top management commitment – Leadership Quality of product Employee participation Customer satisfaction Process Approach Quality of service Systems Approach/Training Variety of product/Product Differentiation Continuous improvement Competitiveness Supplier relationship Quality of inputs Team work Performance
TQM Advantages w.r.t Customer Satisfaction Enabling your employees to solve problems Enables employees to eliminate waste. Results in good management. Maintains customer focus consistently Meets customer expectations by focusing on Quality Defect Prevention leading to Defect reduction Process for managing unsatisfied customers, make needed corrections Motivate the workforce, happier employees automatically means happier customers Reduced service calls Greater productivity Reduced cost of production and service Creates innovation When corporations start improving their own quality, they also expect better performance from their suppliers. All of the above increases customer satisfaction
Measuring Customer Satisfaction Steps Develop key indicators that drive customer satisfaction. Collect data regarding perception of quality received by customers Key Indicators For Physical Products Reliability Aesthetics Adaptability Usability Functionality Appropriateness For Services Friendliness/courteousness of employees Safety/risk of service Billing/invoicing procedure Responsiveness to requests Appearance of physical facilities Approachability of the service provider Willingness to listen to customer Honesty and an ability to communicate in clear language
Indicators of Customer Satisfaction Understanding customer requirements Commitment to customers Frontline empowerment Excellent hiring, training, attitude and morale for front line employees Proactive customer service system Proactive management of relationship with customers Use of all listening posts – touch points with customers Quality requirements of market segment Service standards meeting customers requirements Greater customer loyalty Market share improvement Higher stock prices
Kano Model X axis – How well is the customer satisfied Types of Customer Needs(Expectation) Performance needs Basic needs Excitement needs Improving Quality in these needs will appropriately increase Customer Satisfaction(ACSI) Wow – Delightful – Company USPs only increases Customer Satisfaction Y Axis – How well is the need executed Not improving quality in these needs will dissatisfy the customer but improving will not increase customer satisfaction
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