CSCI 3327 Visual Basic Chapter 6: More Examples of Methods UTPA – Fall 2011
Objectives In this chapter, you will: –See more examples about methods Subroutines Functions –Learn the implicit/explicit argument conversions –Become aware of the scope of the declaration –Get familiar with the Random class/object to generate random numbers 2
Example 6.3: WageCalculator.vb URL: – p_2010/codeexamples.html p_2010/codeexamples.html Subroutine: –Method that does not return a value Sub methodName (parameter-list): method header Method body – block Keyword Const: Declares a constant 3
Example 6.4: WageCalculator.vb URL: – p_2010/codeexamples.html p_2010/codeexamples.html Function –Method that returns a value Function methodName(parameter-list) As return-type Return statement: Return variable 4
Implicit Argument Conversions Widening conversion –An argument is converted to a parameter of another data type that can hold more data Narrowing conversion –Opposite –Potential data loss during the conversion 5
Examples of Implicit Conversion Examples –Char String –Integer Decimal or Double –Decimal Integer –resultLabel.Text = Math.Sqrt(4) 6
Option Strict and Data-Type Conversions Visual Studio –2010: Tools Options Projects and Solutions VB defaults –2008: Project Properties Compile 7
Option Strict and Data-Type Conversions (cont'd) Option Explicit –On by default – declare all variables before they are used Option Strict –Off by default –On – requires performing explicit conversions by cast operator 9
Option Strict and Data-Type Conversions (cont'd) Option Infer –On by default – complier infers a variable’s type based on its initializer value Dim x = 7 ' compiler infers: x is Integer type 10
Explicit Conversion Explicit conversion –Class Convert Convert.ToInt32 (…) Convert.ToDouble (…) Convert.ToDecimal (…) Convert.ToString (…) 11
The Scope of Declarations Block scope –A variable declared in the body of a control statement –E.g., If … Then Method scope –A variable declared in a method Class scope –A member declared in the class’s body, but outside the bodies of the class’s methods 12
Example 6.9: FundRaiser.vb URL: – 10/codeexamples.html 10/codeexamples.html Donation –17% of the donation is used for covering operating expenses –Calculate the donation after expenses and the total raised –Instance variable, totalRaised: class scope –Local variables in method donateButton_Click: method scope 13
Random Class/Object Random Object, class Random –Dim randomObject As New Random() –Dim randomNumber As Integer = randomObject.Next() randomNumber is within [0, Int32.MaxValue) –Dim Val As Integer = 1 + randomObject.Next(6) Val is within [1, 6] –Dim Val As Integer = randomObject.Next(1, 7) Val is within [1, 6] 14
Example 6.11: RollDice.vb URL: – odeexamples.html odeexamples.html Rules: –First throw: 7, 11 – win; 2, 3, 12 – lose; 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 – player's points –Afterwards, 7 – lose; make their points – win Controls –Button rollButton.Enabled = False –PictureBox pointDie1PictureBox.Image = Nothing 15