You should unzip and download the beginning programs.
The basic pay program is included in the programs you downloaded. Note the property change for BackColor for the txtGrossPay box.
You can also change the font or for that matter the font color.
Here I added an extra button to the form and left the name of Button1, then I clicked on it and it developed the structure for the Button1_Click event.
I removed Val around the text fields and put in a + and got concatenation instead of addition.
When I put the Val back, I got addition.
& can also be used for concatenation.
Here I am using Clear() to clear out the text boxes.
When I clear, I put the focus on the textbox named txtFirst.
Here I have a label that will show information as a result of the calculation.
Review the rules of order of operation.
This shows defining global and local variables and defining a constant.