Color Subtraction Example: –Newspapers and the new zip-lock sandwich bags use color subtraction.
White Red Green Blue Yellow Cyan Magenta Primary Colors
Green Pure Green Color Addition Primary Green
Why is the sky blue? Nitrogen and Oxygen in our atmosphere scatter high frequencies of light.
Why are sunsets red? Red light is scattered the least by our atmosphere. The greatest path of sunlight through the atmosphere is at sunset or sunrise.
Why are clouds white? The color of light scattered by clusters of water molecules vary with the size of the clusters. The size of clusters of water molecules (droplets) vary in clouds.
Why is the ocean greenish blue? Red light is absorbed by the molecules in the water.
Color Vision Colorblindness - about 10% of population Red-green is predominant Yellow-blue - a few Total - some
Complementary Colors - any two colors that add together to produce white e.g. magenta + green = white
Optical Illusions Animation Animation