Department’s SRW Thematic plan of research work of the Faculty in 2014 №Project title. № state registration. Name head, title. Base to perform (R&D program –the full name): fundamental research, applied, industry, households. (Contract,etc) Period start,end OrganizationsAmount of financing ( Expected scientific and practical results (briefly) 1«The effectiveness of the innovative development of Kazakhstan» Hands. Prof Sagieva R K Fundamental research MON RK10000:10000Development and implementation of the educational process 2Development of incentive mechanisms and guarantees for investment in the formation of innovation infrastructure facilities Hands. Prof Kazbekov B K Contractual research the program «Scientific and technological support the development of the energy sector of the economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan (renewable energy, energy efficiency » MON RK4000:10000Make recommendation on the use of renewable sources
Research projects / GF4 Institutional modernization of social and labor relations in Kazakhstan in the transition to a new technological order МОН РК State Establishment "Committee Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan " / GF4 development of knowledge-based economy in the Republic of Kazakhstan: theory, methodology, practice МОН РК State Establishment "Committee Science, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "
Partnership with foreign research organizations and centers № п/п Name of organization, laboratories (country, city) Name foreign performers indicating account. title, academic degree Directions of cooperationPeriod Chinese Urumqi Tsinzyan Agricultural University The signing of the memorandum of cooperation between Al Farabi Kazakh National University and the Higher School of Economics, Agricultural University Tsinzyan Finance Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation Memorandum of Cooperation
HR potential of the department, 29 people. DepartmentAllAll timePart timeNumber of faculty participating in the Phd – doctoral tips Number of faculty involved in the implementation of projects D.e.s. C.e.s. PhD All