1 CS1430: Programming in C++ Section 2 Instructor: Qi Yang 213 Ullrich
2 Class Materials CS1430 Course Files K:\Courses\CSSE\CourseFiles\CS1430 My Home Page: Notes, Quizzes, Tests
3 CS1430: Course Outcomes Upon completion of this course, students should be able to: Develop algorithms to solve "computer-solvable" problems. Test algorithms. Translate algorithms to C++ programs. Debug, run and test C++ "procedural" programs. Understand the software development process by using requirements to design, implement and test C++ programs.
4 No Prerequisite Any one can take CS1430 Not any one can pass CS1430 D/F rate: 25-40% Recommendation: –Previous programming experience such as CS 1130 –(Math) –(English)
5 Course Work 11 Labs (drop lowest) 50 6 Programs 120 Quizzes/Assignments 50 3 Tests 180 Final 100 Total 500
6 Grading Grade Total PointsPercentageGrade Points A % 4.0 A % 3.7 B % 3.3 B % 3.0 B % 2.7 C % 2.3 C % 2.0 C % 1.7 D % 1.3 D % 1.0 F Below No Curve!
7 Programs Each Program is REQUIRED. Pass each program or FAIL CS1430! Start Early!
8 Tentative Test Schedule Test 1: Friday of Week 5 Test 2: Friday of Week 9 Test 3: Friday of Week 14
9 Notes Check UWP every day Go to my Web site to get notes and some quizzes To get Programs & Labs, go to K:\Courses\CSSE\CourseFiles\CS1430
10 Good Luck! Come to classes Surprise quizzes? Do the work by yourself Start programs early Get Help
11 Coming to My Office for Help Copy your files before coming for questions K:\Courses\CSSE\yangq\CS1430\Dropbox Name your file as UserName_Labx or UserName_ProgX Examples YangQ_Lab0.cpp YangQ_Prog5.cpp
12 What is a computer? Input Output Storage Network CPU MEMORY
13 Hardware CPU Memory Keyboard Monitor Disk …
14 How to Store Data in Computer Bit Byte Electronic Device On / Off Value: 1 / 0 8 bits Possible combinations
15 How to Store Data in Computer Decimal Number: Binary Number
16 How to Store Data in Computer Binary Number 65 Character ASCII ‘A’ (EBCDIC)
17 ASCII Code Table ‘C’: 67 ‘0’: ABCDE 7FGHIJKLMNO 8PQRSTUVWXY 9Zabc 10def
18 How to Store Data in Computer Word2 bytes (16 bits) Integers Binary Numbers Characters ASCII Unicode Float Numbers? Negative numbers? Double Word4 bytes (32 bits)
19 How to Store Data in Computer KB 1024 Bytes 2 10 MB 1024 * 1024 Bytes 2 20 TB… GB 1024 * 1024 * 1024 Bytes 2 30
20 Software: Programs What is a Computer Program? A sequence of statements in a programming language. High Level Programming Language Low Level Programming Language
21 High Level Programming Languages C++ Java Basic Cobol … English Like Easy to Read and Write (Compared with low level) C++ Code Example Total = Total + Score;
22 Low Level Programming Languages Total = Total + Score; Machine Code Assembly Code Add AX, Score
23 Problem Solving Solve the problem before writing any program Pseudo Code If score is positive Add score to Total Else Display a message
Lab0 No credits Very critical Due time: 5 PM, September 3 Grace time: 5 PM, September 8 K:\Courses\CSSE\CourseFiles\CS
25 Programming Steps Create source code file: Lab0.cpp Compile to machine code: Lab0.obj Link to executable program: Lab0.exe Run Lab0.exe (Other files may be involved)
26 Visual Studio C++ compiler Development Environment Does a lot of work for us We normally don’t see *.obj or *.exe files Available in Labs in Ullrich –Lab 009 –Lab 110 –Lab 206
27 Install Visual Studio on your own PC K:\Academic\ CSSE\Software\VisualStudio2012Templates Install_VS2012.txt Instructions.txt
Lab Help Session Thursday, 10 AM 009 Ullrich Instructors or Pals will be there to help you Regular Labs –0 differences –5 points by Thursday at 5 pm –3 points by the following Tuesday at 5 pm –0 points otherwise 28
29 Quiz1-1 1 point Due Beginning of Class on Friday Print Your Name!