Outline GB1 chameleon 8-mer Peptide MD GB1 folding pathway Hierarchic folding Conservation scores
Context-dependent secondary structure formation of a designed protein sequence Daniel L. Minor Jr, MIT Nature 1996
Folding Very Short Peptides Using Molecular Dynamics Ken Dill, UCSF Plos Computational Biology, 2006
GB1 is not a two-state folder: identification and characterization of an on-pathway intermediate Valerie Daggett, University of Washington Biophysics Journal, 2011
Folding pathway and contact maps for two unfolding simulations of GB1
Is protein folding hierarchic? I. Local structure and peptide folding Robert L. Baldwin, Stanford University Feature, 1999
A comparative study of conservation and variation scores Fredrik Johansson, Kyushu University BMC Bioinformatics, 2010
A new statistical framework to assess structural alignment quality using information compression James H. Collier, PSU Bioinformatics, 2014
Methods Computation of the null model message length Computation of the alignment model message length Measure of alignment quality The time complexity of computing I-value
Null Model
Alignment Model
Alignment Quality
Time complexity