Тема: Балтийская Коса
The Baltic plait The Baltic plait (the Vislinsky plait («Mierzeja Wislana» — the name in territory of Poland, till 1946 the plait was called "Frisch-Nerung") — the unique geographical object representing a narrow strip of a land with sandy beaches and dunes in width of m in average and southern and 8-9 km in northern parts. Length of a plait — 65 km (from which 35 belong to the Kaliningrad region, the others — Poland). It is partially covered by wood. The plait is connected to continent on the Polish party. From the Russian side the plait extremity is separated from continent by a ship canal in the city of Baltiysk.
Origin The Baltic plait is sea accumulative education — a unique natural phenomenon which consists in counteraction of two natural powers. Sea waves and coastal currents move sand to coast, and the wind moves on a plait, forming эоловые adjournment (dune). The height of dunes of the Baltic plait does not exceed 40 meters. The plait vegetation detains movings of weights of sand. Process дюнообразования has begun about years ago, after education of the Vislinsky (Kaliningrad) gulf. Last was formed after deviation of the Valdai glacier because of earth movements and fluctuations of level of Baltic sea
The pre-war period Till 1945 East Prussia was a part of the German province. Around modern settlements the Plait and Fishing has been created by Germany hydroaviation harbor — base of seaplanes. The decayed and partially collapsed hangars up to now have remained. After war on the same squares the domestic military air base has been created. After leaving of military men from air base territory, last has come to desolation and, as a matter of fact, was ruined. On April, 26th, 1945 in northern part of a plait the Soviet sea landing has been landed. The pre-war period
Border The direct transport message between the Russian and Polish parts of a plait is impossible, as there is no boundary transition, but its creation is planned. From the Russian side the traveler to reach the technical obstacles located about 1,5 km from border, the further movement can is to the west impossible. The Russian frontier post is located between obstacles and a border line. In a 7-kilometer strip adjoining to border, the frontier regime operates; gap- permission is necessary for a finding in it.
And you know where the most western point of Russia is located? The most western point of Russia is located it on the Baltic plait – a surprising nature sanctuary. The Baltic plait represents a narrow strip of a land in width only seven hundred meters and length sixty kilometers. On a plait - excellent beaches and the sandy dunes partially covered with wood. One coast of a plait – Baltic sea, and will pass half-kilometer to the east and there already fresh- water Kaliningrad gulf.
Kinds of the Baltic plait