Emergence of Vancouver
THE EMERGENCE OF VANCOUVER BURRARD INLET - Originally discouraged settlement. - not on a major river. - thick forest cover. - no gold rush history. PORT MOODY - New Westminster Stanley Park w1IYhTAaw
THE OPPENHEIMERS Jewish immigrants from Germany. Set up trading firm in B.C. gold rush. – Fire ruined but rebuilt. Land investments in Gastown. $ invested with CPR. David became mayor of Vancouver “Father of Vancouver.” Laid water & sewage pipes in Van. Lobbied for Cariboo Road. Bankrolled needed services. Funded first electric streetcar. Donated land for schools & parks. David Oppenheimer THE OPPENHEIMERS
Gastown Fraser River pilot turned saloonkeeper with the name Capt. John 'Gassy Jack' Deighton was in 1867 the first settler on the site In Victorian times the term 'to gas' referred to talking a lot 9I
NEW WESTMINSTER Gold rush gateway and capital of the Colony from 1859 to 1866 Fraser River froze in winter. Colonel Moody later cut trails to Burrard Inlet. (Vancouver)
Port Moody original site for CPR terminus. - shallow tidal flats made it unsuitable for large ships to load with cargo from the trains Van Horne change location with some persuasion from David Oppenheimer to Vancouver (Gastown). Port Moody land speculators were mad
1886 Fire A fire burned the new city of Vancouver. By 1890, it was rebuilt and had a population of over 5000.
STANLEY PARK First used by Squamish and Musqueam Nations Initially set aside as military reserve. Officially opened by David Oppenheimer in 1888 Bigger than Central Park in New York 16 th best park in the world by the Project for Public Spaces
Video 9I w1IYhTAaw