Capability Cliff Notes Series PHEP Capability 6—Information Sharing What Is It And How Will We Measure It? For sound, click on the megaphone and then move arrow away from icon
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Learning Objectives Become familiar with Capability Functions Become familiar with Tasks that complete the Functions Understand how these Functions and Tasks are measured or may be measured in the future (Performance Measures)
Information Sharing Information sharing is the ability to exchange health-related information and situational awareness throughout all levels of government and community. This capability includes the routine sharing of information as well as incident-related information, such as public health alerts. How can health departments ensure needed information is being shared across sectors with the people who need it?
Information Sharing Functions What Can Health Departments Do to Ensure Accurate Information Is Shared Throughout Jurisdictions? 1.Identify stakeholders who need to be part of the information flow. 2.Identify and develop rules and data elements for sharing. 3.Exchange information to determine a common operating picture.
Capabilities and Measures Resources The presentation will be an overview of what the functions and tasks mean, linked to the performance measures. Please note that since the capabilities PDF document has come out, more performance measures have been developed. If performance measures have come out since the creation of the capabilities document below, they have been included in these tutorials following their function slide, even if the PDF lists that there are no measures for that function. For functions that still have no measures, questions for health departments to begin thinking about measures have been included instead. For exact lists of the capabilities and performance measures, and data collected for the measures, documents can be found at these links: For Capabilities, Functions, and Tasks: For Performance Measures:
Function 1: Identify stakeholders to be incorporated into information flow How can health departments identify critical stakeholders? 1.Before and during an incident, identify stakeholders with whom public health must share critical information, such as public safety, private sector, law enforcement, and other disciplines. 2.Before and during an incident, identify other public health stakeholders with whom health departments must share critical information. 3.Before and during an incident, work with elected officials, stakeholders and private sector leadership to ensure continual communication, such as ongoing meetings and conferences, and assess information-sharing needs on a continual basis.
Function 1 Measurement How does the CDC measure if state health departments or other responsible organizations have identified the critical stakeholders? Have all of the following stakeholders and information elements been identified: All relevant health care organizations (HCOs) with which health departments plan to share data Position or specific points of contact for all relevant HCOs A minimum set of data elements that would need to be shared with relevant HCOs A platform or process to share data with relevant HCOs All data elements for these measurements can be found in PHEP Performance Measures, on pgs 39-41: EPR/CBON/ http:// EPR/CBON/
Function 2: Identify and develop rules and data elements for sharing Tasks: What do health departments need to do to develop data elements to share? 1.Before and during an incident, using legal counsel, identify current provisions, laws, and policies that authorize or limit information-sharing for situational awareness in emergencies. 2.Before and during an incident, identify routine or incident-specific data requirements for each stakeholder. 3.Before and during an incident, identify public health events and incidents that will require communication with stakeholders. 4.Before, during, and after an incident, continuously identify and correct legal and policy barriers to sharing of situational awareness information, that are within the public health agency’s control.
Function 2 Measurement How does the CDC measure that health departments or other responsible organizations have identified relevant epidemiologic or clinical data? There are no performance measures from the CDC for this function. However, consider the following questions: In what incidents are data likely to be needed? What kinds of data are likely to be needed? Are there any barriers to collecting or sharing this data? How can the data be shared?
Function 3: Exchange information to determine a common operating picture Tasks: How should health departments share information? 1.Before and during an incident, collaborate with and participate in health information exchange (e.g., fusion centers, health alert system, or equivalent). 2.Before and during an incident, maintain data repositories such as disease registries, that are able to exchange data with other public health entities. Store data according to required standards for formatting, vocabulary, and encryption. 3.Before and during an incident, request, send, and receive data and information using encryption that meets required standards. 4.Verify authenticity with message sender or information requestor. 5.Before and during an incident, acknowledge receipt of information or public health alert, if needed.
Function 3 Measurement How does the CDC measure that health departments or other responsible organizations can share relevant epidemiologic or clinical data? Have health departments identified the following stakeholders and information elements? (These performance measures are for all Functions) All relevant health care organizations (HCOs) with which health department plans to share data Position or specific points of contact for all relevant HCOs A minimum set of data elements that would need to be shared with relevant HCOs A platform or process to share data with relevant HCOs All data elements can be viewed in PHEP Performance Measures on pgs : EPR/CBON/ http:// EPR/CBON/
HPP-PHEP Shared Measurement How does the CDC measure if health departments have shared information successfully, with people who requested it across healthcare organizations? Percentage of local partners that reported requested Essential Elements of Information (EEI) to the public health/medical lead within the requested timeframe Numerator: How many local health departments successfully reported essential elements of information (EEI) that they have pre-identified as essential, to the health/medical lead within the requested timeframe? Denominator: How many local health departments received a request for this information? All data elements asked to be reported in this measure can be viewed in PHEP Performance Measures, on pgs 42-44:
Questions? Please contact: Rachel Coles Program Evaluator--CDPHE