Selected highlights of SWAP observations M. Mierla 1,2,3 and SWAP team 1. Royal Observatory of Belgium 2. Institute of Geodynamics of the Romanian Academy 3. Research Centre for Atomic Physics and Astrophysics, University of Bucharest
Solar eclipse Active region birth Active phenomena: Flares Prominence eruption Jets Outflows/Inflows (of all kinds) Macro/micro waves/dimmings Off-pointing capabilities (see Dan Seaton talk) Average intensity variation of the Sun (see Sharp talk) Contents
SWAP on PROBA2 Replace it with a latest image
Solar Eclipse – 15 January 2010
Active region Birth – 7 June 2010 MDI :00UT MDI :24UT Img with no AR
M type flares M 17 GOES 1.8E S24E87SF M 10 GOES 1.9E S24E88SF M 16 GOES 1.2E M 18 GOES 1.7E S26E81SF M 34 GOES 1.7E N21E17SN M 29 GOES 2.6E M 13 GOES 7.4E N21E101N M 64 GOES 3.8E M 40 GOES 1.3E N42W37SF M 12 GOES 3.2E
Prominence eruption Dan movie
Jets Bogdan movies