Auto Insurance
Automobile Insurance Why do we need it? Auto crashes - leading cause of death Teens account for 20% of all accidents Economic Cost - $150 billion/year It’s required! Liability insurance required in most states Risk Management $$$
Property Damage Liability Covers damage that you cause to other people’s property as a result operating a motor vehicle Required by law
Bodily Injury Liability Injury that you cause to other people as a result operating a motor vehicle. Required by law
Collision Protects against damage to YOUR vehicle due to a traffic accident and its YOUR fault. Not required by states, BUT required by your lender! Insurance will only pay for damages up to current value of your car TOTAL LOSS
Medical Payments Covers injuries to you or your passengers due to a traffic accident regardless of who is at fault.
Comprehensive Protects against loss to your vehicle (physical damage) due to non-collision causes: Theft Vandalism Fire Hail Damage
Uninsured / Underinsured Covers injuries to you, your family or passengers or damages to your car when in an accident caused by an uninsured or underinsured driver
CoverageWho’s faultWhat’s covered Bodily Injury Liability YOURSThe other PEOPLE Property Damage Liability YOURSThe other CAR/PROPERTY Medical PaymentsDoesn’t matter You and those in your car Uninsured/ Underinsured motorist THEIRSCompensates for anything the other drive was supposed to be responsible for ComprehensiveNature, theft, vandalism Your car CollisionYOURSYour car
What affects insurance rates? Higher deductibles = Lower Premium You take on more of the risk Older cars: Can you drop those Collision and Comprehensive Coverages – assess the risk! Multi-car Discounts Increase amount of coverage
What affects insurance rates? Marital Status: Singles pay more Grades: Good Grades= Lower Premiums Driving Record Many accidents = Higher Premium Sport cars= Higher rates Color not a factor Age: Older drivers (over 25) get better rates Residence/Commute- city or suburbs, distance
How can you lower? Be a responsible driver Drive a moderately priced car Discounts for certain safety features Good grades Live in safe neighborhoods Increase the size of your deductible Live responsibly
What to Do in Case of an Accident Get to a safe place, be careful getting out Check for injuries. Do not move anyone! Call 911 Exchange info with other driver. Ask for a copy of the police report and report to your insurance company
Other Tips Stay Calm Do Not admit guilt Do Not reveal how much coverage your have Take pictures Do Not accept cash
Split Limits 50 / 150 / 75 1#- Bodily injury caused to one person 2# Bodily injuries caused to everyone 3# Total amount of property damage