0 FORESTUR PROJECT PREZENTATION The FORESTUR project presentation was posted at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava and also on our websites
1 SCHEDULE Location: -The Chamber of Commerce and Industry (training rooom) -Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava –laboratory for internet access
2 The structure of the Participants at the training modules * tourism students –young people from universities finishing their studies and want to develop a business in the tourism field ** tourism operators – people that have their own business in tourism (pension, hotels, agency) or work in the tourism field (reception, restaurant a.s.o.)
3 3 The structure of the Participants at the training module The participants to the training courses are mainly professionals operating in rural areas, and the second group is represented by the students in the last year of study at the Tourism and Services specialization at the Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava, in the Economic field. They have benefit from high quality training, attending the Business Management Module. The training have been adapted to their needs, they also study in groups and individual, and that was possible through the use of online resources, and also through the face-to-face meetings
Business Management Training Module At the Chamber of Commerce and Industry Suceava
5 Strengths and Weaknesses At the first meeting the participants were asked what are the main strong points or weaknesses for this learning method/training course. Strong PointsWeak Points 1) Because of the online learning, the distance between the area and the rural environment where these professionals operate does not represent a problem 2) No need for financial resources for training 3) The content of the modules can be adapted for the training needs of each group. 4) Training can help the improvement of the business management 1) They were not aware of their training needs 2) Some difficulties regarding the course attendance, for the face-to-face meetings (see the solution) 3) It is about new technologies among rural tourism businesses, and sometimes it is hard to assimilate
6 Solution HELPDESK – FORESTUR Project for difficulties in attending courses or accessing the FORESTUR website Program: Monday to Friday 2pm-4pm
7 FUTURE Activities for Bucovina Tourism Association -Cutomer Care Training module – in progress -ICT – preparation -Bucovina Members’s meeting- February – presentation of the project progress -Bucharest Tourism Fair participation – April -Preparing for the Project Team meeting – April -Preparing the intermediary reports