1 Investment Compact for South East Europe Attracting Foreign Direct Investment: A Comparative Overview of the FDI in the South East European Countries and the New EU Member Countries from Central and Eastern Europe Antonio Fanelli, Principal Administrator INTERNATIONAL INVESTMENT FORUM 14 – 16 October 2004 Bucharest, Romania
2 FDI Inflows in the South East European Countries in US$ million Countries * Projections 2004 Albania BiH Bulgaria8191, ,419 1,500 Croatia1,6371,1261,5021,1241,9561,058 Macedonia Moldova Romania1,0411,0401,3731,0971,562 2,000 Serbia and Montenegro ,3051,000 Totals3,8123,8054,6504,3376,9546,461 Source: Monitoring Instruments, April 2004 * Foreign Direct Investment In South East Europe in 2003 – 2004, WIIW, 2004
3 Absolute Level of Inward FDI Stock (current US$ million) Source: Monitoring Instruments, April 2004; CEE4: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovak Republic
4 Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and GDP per capita at current prices and market exchange rates GDP (US$ Billions) GDP per capita (US$) (Weighted averages) 1990 (*) (*) CEE ,2192,9474,4036,281 SEE ,7201,3111,7812,520 Bulgaria + Croatia + Romania ,2971,5182,1633,081 Rest of SEE , ,2041,605 (*) Excluding Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1990, where GDP data are not available for that year. Source: Monitoring Instruments, April 2004
5 FDI Stock Per Capita in SEE and CEE Countries: 1888 vs (in current US$) Source: Monitoring Instruments, April 2004
6 Inward FDI Stock as a percentage of GDP Source: Monitoring Instruments, April 2004
7 Export Growth Source: Monitoring Instruments, April 2004
8 FDI vs. Export Performance Source: Monitoring Instruments, April 2004
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