Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW A combined presentation by TAFE NSW Curriculum Centres conference 2006
Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW Summary of Presentation Overview of UBE What does it mean for the teacher and how TAFE conducts its business? Experience of each Curriculum Centre Questions/Discussion
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW What is UBE? Unit based enrolment (UBE) means that for training package and accredited qualifications, we will be: - enrolling in; - assessing against; and - reporting against units of competency
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW Why UBE? units of competence are the VET currency of the day national uniformity AQTF compliance recognition accredited courses with units greater acceptance by industry
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW How does UBE affect us? majority of qualifications in 2007 will be unit based learning and assessment strategies evidence collection assessment validation recognition workplace delivery and assessment AQTF compliance
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW No nationally endorsed Training Packages A&GE accredited courses developed in units of competency since 2005 Project established in 2005 to provide more effective pathways for learners by: Developing local units of competency so that learners and staff are using the language/currency of the VET sector Explicitly developing, assessing and reporting employability skills Access and General Education
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW Training Package Developer rules are informing unit development and packaging to create a Framework Over 250 Access and General Education units of competency developed and packaged as qualifications at AQF 1 – 3 with assessment guidelines Over 100 institute staff attended unit writers workshops and nearly 600 staff attended consultations regarding the development of units and qualifications. Access and General Education
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW By Semester 1, 2007 PINR will have 95% of its courses (covering 98% of PINR enrolments) ready for enrolment into units. To achieve this, PINR will version- increment 209 courses and create 2500 unit guides from existing modules by November Primary Industries and Natural Resources
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW PINR’s strategy in converting modules into Unit Guide format has been: –To maximise use of technology in conversion process through ITD involvement –To enable enrolment in courses containing all newly- created units –To include Training Package details in converted units –To add assessment and delivery strategies/advice to the highest-demand converted units –To support Institutes through creation of a learning and assessment tool (available Semester 1, 2007) Primary Industries and Natural Resources
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW Unit development: Progressively developing unit guides commencing with high enrolment areas BSB01 units now written and courses developed during Sem 2, 2006 ICA units and courses progressively ready for enrolment for Jan 2007 FNS04 Accounting courses in units for Jan 2007 Business Arts and Information Technology
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW Professional Development: Follows unit and course development Aims to promote consistency and quality improvement in assessment and delivery BSB01 ongoing Term 4, 2006 and end of year ICA05 ongoing Institute consultation plus one central PD at end of year FNS04 starting Sep 1, 2006 with Head Teachers, ongoing with teachers, plus central PD at end of year Business Arts and Information Technology
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW The basis of our delivery and assessment is the Unit of Competency and therefore the interpretation thereof ie what is the unit actually saying? - in terms of knowledge and skills, what does the unit define as competent - what evidence would I accept for me to be able to make a judgement on competence - how will I go about constructing assessment events/tools to gather the evidence Community Services Health Tourism and Recreation
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW Things to be absorbed: shift from modular base to unit base language change competence measured against workplace standards variety of evidence leading to judgements on competence variety of learning and assessment strategies needed to account for students’ varying incoming experiences Community Services Health Tourism and Recreation
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW To remain competitive we have needed to - Develop relationships with employers –takes time and effort Realise one size no longer fits all –need to consult with employers to develop training plans which reflect workplace requirements this may result in a group of students doing different things Understand that TAFE is not the only place where learning takes place –a large proportion of training takes place on the job. Students may not need to attend for the entire duration of the course/unit Co-ordinate learning –what the apprentice is doing at work needs to follow what they are learning at TAFE otherwise there is no opportunity for reinforcement. Manufacturing Engineering Construction and Transport
conference 2006 Implementing UBE in TAFE NSW How its being done in one Institute Approached 14 employers Gave each a model training plan to adjust to their needs Discussed their contractual obligations Workplace mentor organised for every student Students come to TAFE every 2nd week Teacher visits 5 enterprises every 2nd week to gather evidence, discuss competency with mentor and provide support to apprentice All students are visited once every 6 weeks Students come to TAFE to access resources not available at work Manufacturing Engineering Construction and Transport