Roads Stream Sarah Jones GI Manager LandScope Engineering
Integrated survey and geospatial engineering services Multi disciplinary, multi dimensional approach Laser Scanning since 2007 Mobile Mapping since 2010 Sonar underwater inspections since 2013
How asset location intelligence is driving highway efficiency gains Setting the Scene What is good asset management planning? Key drivers What is common practice today? Mobile Mapping Solutions Tools and technology Innovative modelling for asset inventory Case Study - Oxfordshire County Council Fit for purpose solution Efficiencies
Good Asset Management Whole asset life cycle – Asset Maintenance and Improvement – Asset Value Clear evidence for investment need – Complete and accurate asset inventory – Fit for purpose data Efficient highway service delivery – Targeted investment – Smarter working – Best use of resources and funds Identify Need Design and Development UseMaintenance Disposal or Renewal
DfT Element 2 funding – to improve asset inventory data. Public Accounts Committee – Fifteenth Report Maintaining Strategic Infrastructure : Roads September 2014 Highways Authorities criticised for not knowing enough about local road assets and 45 authorities were criticised for not having completed asset management plans (early 2014). Public Accounts Committee – Fifteenth Report Maintaining Strategic Infrastructure : Roads September 2014 Highways Authorities criticised for not knowing enough about local road assets and 45 authorities were criticised for not having completed asset management plans (early 2014). 80% of an organisations data has a location element. But do we really know where it is? Gearing up for efficient highway delivery and funding – January 2014 Funding eligibility in driven by efficiencies and good practice. Gearing up for efficient highway delivery and funding – January 2014 Funding eligibility in driven by efficiencies and good practice.
The highways sector must continue to generate ideas and tools to ensure its services meet challenging demands. Phil Brennan, Association for Public Service Excellence The highways sector must continue to generate ideas and tools to ensure its services meet challenging demands. Phil Brennan, Association for Public Service Excellence Gearing up for efficient highway delivery and funding – January 2014 DfT encouraging local authorities to build up their asset inventory and analysis capabilities. Gearing up for efficient highway delivery and funding – January 2014 DfT encouraging local authorities to build up their asset inventory and analysis capabilities. Ignite ideas - Transformational change - Innovative measures - Greater Efficiencies Ignite ideas - Transformational change - Innovative measures - Greater Efficiencies
Common Practice Today Lists Often paper based Sometimes disparate Partial cross referencing Limited spatial intelligence Subjective interpretation No visualisation Fully digitised datasets Uniform open data formats Unique ID for data integration Fully geo-referenced in 3D Imagery and overlay driven Intuitive “StreetView” interface Efficiency Drivers
Common Practice Today Legacy Data Approximate locations Some data duplications Often limited capture processes – Techniques and technology – Incomplete due to inadequate resource provision Accurate positioning intelligence Detailed and correct inventory Mobile Mapping – Rapid, accurate, no site visits – Scalable, repeatable, multiple in- house extractions from single campaign Efficiency Drivers
Common Practice Today Data Maintenance Often undefined leading to data potentially being… – Out of date – Unusable – Unreliable Data Maintenance Planned approach efined leading to potential data issues such as – Repeatable campaigns, repeatable accuracies achieved – Highly intuitive interface, open formats, system integration – Imagery providing “real world” verification Efficiency Drivers Plan Collect Process & Verify Delivery Integrate & Augment Analyse Maintain & Update
Common Practice Today Data Accessibility and Sharing Often depts working in silo Possible duplicated data Data unavailable across systems Some restrictions with mobile and desktop data deployment Shared and combined data model Update schedule – “only once” Platform and format independent Data available – desktop, browser, tablet Efficiency Drivers
Common Practice Today Integration and Interoperability IT Infrastructure limitations System compatibility issues with legacy systems Issues feeding into existing workflows Integration and Interoperability Remote serving cost efficiencies Platform and format independent Seamless integration to existing back office systems Efficiency Drivers
autoMAP Mobile Mapping provides a means of facilitating highway asset management Asset Intelligence Gathering Accurate and detailed inventory of highway assets Enabling asset evaluation and assessment Providing full visibility of the network
Mobile Mapping Solutions Rapidly and simultaneously acquires high accuracy point cloud data and high resolution panoramic imagery. Methodology is Accurate – 3D positioning technology Safe – Removes survey personnel from the carriageway Efficient – Rapid acquisition – One campaign feeds many Cost Effective – Removes need for traffic management or road closures
Tools and Technologies Topcon IP-S2 Compact + Orbit Geospatial Technologies
Data Outputs High Density LiDAR High Resolution Imagery
Innovative Modelling for Asset Inventory Fit for purpose solution – Orbit Asset Inventory Management – Point, click and map technology – Intuitive user interface – Google ‘StreetView’ Evidence based modelling – Justify need for investment – Strong case for funding eligibility from 2015 onwards Asset Inventory Analysis (encouraged by the DfT) – What assets you have – Where are they located – What condition the assets are in
Case Study Oxfordshire County Council
Oxfordshire is a Local Authority which has stepped up to the challenge Shared vision Requirements analysis Defined model Accurate fully geo-referenced dataset Scalable – future extraction potential Integration into existing back office systems
Acquisition LiDAR point cloud and imagery for 5000km road network Project Planning Trajectory accuracy Route optimisation Weather Survey conditions e.g. leaf cover v leaf fall Point cloud noise e.g. parked cars
Full Detailed Asset Inventory Scalable and Repeatable – New assets, new types – Targeted acquisition campaigns, redrive circa. 5 years – New requirements and future in-house extraction potential Use of Orbit Asset Inventory Management GIS based Feature Extraction ‘Point and Click’ Attribution Asset Data Volumes – Drainage (points) – Pedestrian guardrails (lines) – Verges (polygons)
ThemeNumber of Records Drainage grips kerb slotted open channel other Drainage gully standard gully side entry offlet catchpit or soakaway other * Noise Fencing4 Non illuminated Traffic Signs50753 Pedestrian Guardrails3227 Safety Barrier corrugated beam open box beam wire rope other Verges70891 Verge Marker Posts14153
Data Sharing Asset inventory utilised across the organisation – Operational and Administrative (Field and Office based) – Desktop and Mobile deployment – Multi-disciplines (Drainage, Highways, Bridge Inspection, Planning, Land and Highway Records) Encourages collaborative working Encourages transparency Reduces cost of developing and maintaining valuable data resources
Data Accessibility Integration – Bentley EXOR – Concepts-online – Other cross-departmental datasets – Inspire – metadata Interoperability - API – Web and Mobile deployment
How asset location intelligence is driving highway efficiency gains Reduction in site visits Gully cleaning improvements Grounds Maintenance Contract – verge grass cutting Development of and maintaining shared datasets Improvements to “customer led” reporting Orbit roll out – saving through application Legacy data v autoMAP data Traditional data collection v mobile mapping Smart scheme design Remote site visualisation Data confidence = data reuse
Highways Maintenance – CVI, DVI How asset location intelligence is driving highway efficiency gains Database reconciliation – highway records, land ownership, bridge asset planning Highway Topographical Mapping Bridge Inspections Contract Tendering - BOQ Soft Estate Management Enabling mobile working for field maintenance crews Planned preventative measures rather than reactive “worst first approach” Accurate measurements from the photographic domain Full and detailed asset inventory – decision making tool
Prioritisation schedule for works Concluding Outcomes.. Leveraging technology for Local Government – Use of innovative tools – Mobile deployment options – “smarter working” Empowering OCC – Accurate, reliable data – identifying asset locations – Develop strategic asset management plans Asset whole life cycle costs Funding model and allocation