Critical Steps in Population Synthesis Alessandro Bressan MAGPOP Summer School - Budapest, Hungary, 2006. August 23-25.


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Presentation transcript:

Critical Steps in Population Synthesis Alessandro Bressan MAGPOP Summer School - Budapest, Hungary, August 23-25

What is Pop. Synth. An ensemble of tools used to predict properties of stellar systems resolved systems C-M diagrams unresolved systems Magnitudes (colours) Spectra Narrow band indices

Resolved system: Old Population

Resolved system: Young Population

Resolved system: “Complex” Population

Wide field imaging and Star Formation History in the Local Group Galaxies (Sagittarius) Held et al 04

Unresolved Systems Bertone et al 05


STELLAR MODELS Y 2 (Yonsei-Yale) Isochrones (Demarque, Yi et al ) Padova database of stellar evolutionary tracks and isochrones Bertelli, Bressan, Chiosi, Girardi et al (84-06) GENEVA GRIDS OF STELLAR EVOLUTION MODELS Maeder, Meynet, Schaerer et al ( ) Achim Weiss ( Santi Cassisi ( Oscar Straniero (

Phot. Systems

The Temperature scale

The Bolometric Corrections Bertone et al 05


The C-M Diagram Isochrone IMF C-M Diagram Observationalm Effects: Completeness Errors Real Binaries LOS Binaries SSP

Case Study for the Evolution of Low Mass Stars: Globular Cluster NGC5024 Piotto et al 2002

Ev. Tracks with suited composition No TP-AGB in Tracks!

Ev. Tracks vs. Isochrones

No Binaries- No Errors

10% Binaries

Errors & no Binaries

Errors and 5% Binaries

Errors & 20% Binaries

LF IMF Stellar Lifetimes N(M V )

The Integrated Spectrum EVOLUTIONARY TRACKS STELLAR ATMOSPHERES Theoretical Isochrone

Atmosph. Models vs Observ.

High Res Integrated Spectrum Ca4227 G4300