ATUC Meeting, 29 Oct 2009, Astro Issues Robert Braun / Ray Norris
Who are the Astro Group? Area# stud.SupportProj Scientist 1Robert Braun HI, galaxies 1Theme LeaderPks ripple 2Kate Brooks Mm, star formation 3Mm scientist 3Shea Brown (Bolton) Large-scale structure, poln. ASKAP pol 4Jim Caswell Masers, star formation Library?CABB-1 5Ron Ekers (CSIRO Fell) Everything! 5 6Bjorn Emonts (Bolton) Radio gals, mm, high-z CO Colloquia 7Ilana Feain CenA, radio galaxies, high-z CO ASKAP Proj. Scien. 8Jimi Green (OCE) Masers, SF, galactic TidbinbillaCABB-2 9Neeraj Gupta (OCE) HI abs ASKAP simulations 10George Hobbs (QEII) Pulsars, grav waves receivers 11Dave Jauncey VLBI 1 12Simon Johnston Pulsars, transients 3ASKAP Proj. Scien. 13Mike Keith (OCE) Pulsars Radastr. school 14Jonathan Koo Pulsars 15Baerbel Koribalski HI, galaxies 4Student coord.WALLABY 16Emil Lenc (OCE) ATLAS, VLBI, Starbursts CABBMiriad 17Angel Lopez-Sanchez (OCE) Starbursts, galaxy groups Summer stud. 18Dick Manchester (CSIRO Fell) Pulsars 2 19Naomi McClure-Griffiths HI, ISM 3LSCX Rx 20Ray Norris ATLAS, EMU 4ASKAP,OutreachEMU 21(Jill Rathbone) Mm, SF(U Chile/ATNF) 22Dominic Schnitzler (OCE) polarisation Summer stud. 23James Urquhart (OCE) Galactic 1mm 24Tobias Westmeier (Bolton) Galaxies, HVC 1Synth schoolASKAP SSP manager
ASKAP SSP Astro Support Astro support of ASKAP SSPs Astro support for ASKAP surveys: staffing Aim for 0.5 – 1 FTE of post-doc support of each major survey area (depending on co-funding success) Realignment of current staff Tobias Westmeier – ASKAP Project Scientist SSP manager (during Ilana’s leave) Jimi Green – GASKAP involvement (primarily OH masers) Shea Brown – POSSUM, EMU (wide-field polarimetry, imaging) Neeraj Gupta – End-to-end simulations Two post-doc positions now filled, early 2010 starts “Mapping the HI Universe” (Russell Jurek) “Exploring the Magnetic Universe” (Shane O’Sullivan)
ASKAP SSP Astro Support Astro support of ASKAP SSPs Astro support for ASKAP surveys: staffing cont. Five relevant positions now advertised (close 30 Nov) Senior staff position in ASKAP science (based in Perth) CSIRO SKA Project Scientist “Radio Transient Sky” slow transients post-doc position “Deep Radio Imaging of the First Galaxies” post-doc Bolton Fellowship (Pulsar timing post-doc) Super-Science Fellowships as “Admin Org.” Aim for 2 SSP post-docs in Round 1: Areas ?? Aim for 3 SSP post-docs in Round 2: Areas ???
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Astro support activities Some Astrophysics support activities Kate Brooks (Millimetre Astronomy Res. Sci.) Jim Caswell (CABB Proj. Sci.) Bjorn Emonts (Colloquia) Ilana Feain (ASKAP Project Scientist) James Green (Tidbinbilla contact) Neeraj Gupta (ASKAP simulations) George Hobbs (Pulsar contact) Simon Johnston (ASKAP Project Scientist) Bärbel Koribalski (Co-supervised student coordinator) Naomi McClure-Griffiths (ATCA L/S C/X Proj. Sci. & Miriad Proj. Sci.) Ray Norris (ASKAP Operations Planning/Data Archive) James Urquhart (Millimetre Astronomy Res. Sci.) Tobias Westmeier (ASKAP Project Scientist)
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Radio Astronomy Schools Shift to annual (rather than every 2 – 3 years) school with alternating emphasis on Synthesis / Single Dish techniques 2009 School at Parkes 21 – 25 Sept. About 30 students from around Aus. and further Mike Keith and Jimi Green did great job organising
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights They’ve witnessed the transition from LMXB to ms pulsar over 10 years Confirms model of spinning-up ms pulsars
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights
CSIRO ATUC, Astro Issues Recent Science Highlights AJ in press – see also arXiv: Sneak preview: Feain et al. 2009, in preparation