Kirk Bishop
What is Photosynth? Photosynth is a software application that analyzes digital photographs to build a three-dimensional models.
How does it work? Step 1 –Software analyzes multiple photographs taken of the same area. –Each photograph is processed using an interest point detection. –An algorithm detects similarities between points and, essentially, connects the dots.
Step 2 –The next step is to create the 3D model, which is done with a Photosynth viewer. –The viewer is free to download –The viewer is stored on the users computer, but the photos are stored with on a Microsoft server.
Features Zoom in and out of photos Maneuver through a scene to see photos at different angles Send photos
Limitations? The maximum amount of space Microsoft provides is 20GB. –Which equates to approximately 60 ‘synths’ of photos each. Also, you can’t add photos, they all need to be uploaded at once for a project, Microsoft is working on this complaint though.
More Limitations? Takes practice to get the right shots Only runs on XP and Vista Lastly, to get a really good ‘synth,’ a lot of pictures need to be taken.
Applications Creative way for consumers to store, and organize photos. It is also planned to be a back end programming tool for Virtual Earths.