Biology – The Chemical Basis of Life Objective Objective –Distinguish between the structure and function of the four organic compounds
Organic Chemistry Organic Organic –Any compound that contains carbon –ALL energy we use are in these bonds! Inorganic Inorganic –Does not contain carbon –EXCEPTION = carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) is INorganic
Important Properties of Carbon 4 outer-shell electrons 4 outer-shell electrons –Has 4 bonding sites, can bond 4 times –Forms large, complex, diverse molecules Strong High Energy Bonds Strong High Energy Bonds –Bonds to itself to form… Chains Chains Rings Rings Double, triple bonds Double, triple bonds Pure Carbon?? DiamondCoal/Graphite
Carbon’s Bonds Methane Acetylene Butadiene Benzene Isooctane
Compounds formed by…? Dehydration Synthesis Dehydration Synthesis –“De-” to remove –“hydro” water –“synth” with/join –“isis” process –Process of putting something together by removing water
Broken down by… Hydrolysis Hydrolysis –“hydro” water –“lysis” to burst/break –The process of breaking a molecule apart by adding water
Sizes of Compounds Monomer – “Building Block” Monomer – “Building Block” –“mono” one –“mer” unit Polymer – Many repeating Units Polymer – Many repeating Units –“poly” many Macromolecule Macromolecule –“macro” large – “Large Molecule” Polymerization Polymerization –The process of putting together polymers