. WELCOME TO CE 100 UNIT 2 SEMINAR Preparing for a Career in Early Childhood Development.
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Review of Unit 1 It has been a quick first week. I hope that you are all becoming comfortable with the KU platform. Last week you met your classmates and your instructor. You explored the platform and all of the resources, you reviewed the syllabus, and read three Adobe Documents. You shared in a discussion, completed an assignment and a graded review… wow… you did a lot! Does anyone have any questions? Thoughts? Ah ha moments?
Let’s review DB procedures…
A Mini-lesson on Critical Thinking
AS AN EARLY CHILDHOOD PROFESSIONAL, WHAT WILL YOU DO? This week we will dive straight into the field of early childhood development! As you know, the field of early childhood development consists of countless services, which include programs for infants and toddlers, preschool programs, family childcare, childcare centers, kindergarten, and schooling for primary age children. Each has the potential to foster healthy development and learning as well as positively impact children's lives; however, each of these require professionals to have similar characteristics as they partake in the role of working with children and their families. Can you think of other programs or services that I haven’t mentioned? What are some of the positions that were discussed in your readings? What interested you?
Positions Available in the Field of Early Childhood Development Who Teaches and Cares for the Children? Teachers, teacher assistants, and caregivers in: Campus children’s centers in two- and four-year higher education institutions Child care programs Head Start and Early Head Start programs Out-of-school-time programs Part-day preschool or nursery schools
Prekindergarten programs in schools and community-based agencies Family child care providers Early intervention specialists and others who provide education and care for children with disabilities and their families Home visitors in Head Start, Early Head Start, and other programs Child life specialists (in hospitals and other therapeutic settings) Nannies who provide care for young children in the children’s homes
Program directors, education managers, curriculum specialists, and others who manage programs or have oversight responsibilities for classrooms in the programs noted above Public and private agencies that administer family child care networks Who Provides the Training? Professional development providers for these individuals include: Faculty in two- and four-year and graduate programs in institutions of higher education Adult educators / trainers in public and private organizations Child care resource and referral (CCR&R) agency staff Head Start / Early Head Start training and technical assistance providers Progra m director s, educati on manag ers, curricul um speciali sts, and others who manag e progra ms or have oversig ht respons ibilities for classro oms in the progra ms noted above Princip als in public, charter, and private schools that serve children from birth through third grade and their families Public and private agencie s that adminis ter family child care network s Profess ional develop ment provide rs for these individu als include: Faculty in two- and four- year and graduat e progra ms in instituti ons of higher educati on Adult educato rs / trainers in public and private
Program administrators who provide training and technical assistance to their staff Who Trains the Trainers? * In addition, other early childhood professionals provide monitoring and support services to program administrators and direct service providers, such as state and local agency licensors and other early childhood agency staff * Early childhood specialists in state (SEAs) and local education agencies (LEAs) * U.S. Administration for Children and Families and U.S. Department of Education program specialists, and others. National Network for Child Care - NNCC. Boschee, M.A., & Jacobs, G. (1997). Ingredients for quality child care. Internet. National Network for Child Care. (
Working with Young Children: The Big Picture Staffing Staff Training and Development Physical Environment Safety Services Provided Within the Program (special needs children, sick children Quality Relationships with Children and Parents Administration Nutrition Preventative Health Care Curriculum Did I leave anything out?
What Qualities Do You Think Are the Most Important When Working with Young Children?
What do you already know about Licensing and Educational Requirements in your state with respect to working with young children? It’s okay if you don’t have this information yet-we will work on it later.
Help with Projects Please remember that our classes run from Wednesday through Tuesday! All Unit work will be due on Tuesdays at midnight. The next unit starts on Wednesday. I will go over any projects due that week during seminars on Monday nights. As I mentioned last week, you might want to work on your project and finalize it after seminar.
Unit 2 Project Directions 1. Review the early childhood development jobs described in the unit and then go to an online career/employment site, such as Monster.com or Jobing.com. 2. Search for jobs in the childcare and preschool setting. 3. After you have explored the job listings for a while, choose two of the jobs that interest you. 4. If you are unable to find any suitable jobs at the career site, you may use your local newspaper. 5. Try to find jobs other than the one you now hold.
Then… Then, for each job, complete the following using the template provided: List the job title and job description. List the skills needed for the job, taken both from the job description and your own analysis of the job. Be sure to list at least five skills, three of which are specific skills in the early childhood development field. Explain why each of the skills you listed would be needed to succeed in the position you have selected.
Unit 2 Project Template There is a template in the classroom – please use it. The template does not have a place for you to share your name, but please remember to do so. Please also save your document as a doc, docx, or rtf and give it a name that both you and your instructor will recognize. Example: Jeryl Matlock_CE100 _Unit 2.
PLEASE WAIT! Since we meet on Monday nights (the day before projects are due), you might want to work on your project before Monday, but wait until after seminar to submit it.
In your readings and project preparation : What job prospect sounded appealing to you? What type of organization would you like to work in? What is the salary range for this position? Anything else you’d like to share?
Just a Few Reminders… Please be sure to read my announcements and s. If you have extenuating circumstances that prevent you from completing projects or participating in the class, please contact me as soon as possible as I do worry about my students. Some of you still have not turned in your Unit 1 assignments. It’s important not to get behind. Know that I am only a message away!
This week you will Complete the readings. Complete the learning activities. Participate in discussion. Attend seminar (I know you’re here! ). Complete and submit the project.
Thirty years ago she began teaching Young children in their threes and fours; She didn't know much about children at first, But over time learned more and more. She gave them hugs and wiped their tears, And never left them alone; She guided them through the small things, Which often turned out to be milestones. Her first students are all grown now, And she waves to them when they pass; There's a banker, a writer, a lawyer, an artist, And parents with children in her class. To those who ask if she plays all day, She says with a gleam in her eye That she teaches bankers to add and subtract, And artists the color of the sky. She teaches the alphabet to writers, And lawyers what it means to be fair; She teaches politicians to take their turn, She knows that what's learned in the sand-box Will influence them for years to come; It's the little things that shape them, So impressionable are the young. If you too work with children, And dance and sing and play, Don't forget that you shape the future (author unknown) By whom you teach today! The Teacher
LONELY LINKS NOT ALLOWED! References must be in APA format. LINKS NEVER STAND ALONE . * NO!! ls=org.mozilla:en-US:official ls=org.mozilla:en-US:official. * YES!! Happy, D.L. (2006). How to survive a nutty professor, Journal of Online Education, 8(4). Retrieved July 17, 2010 from a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official
What did you learn in seminar tonight?