Short Presentation Title Name Organisation Contact details BaselEuropean Summit for Clinical Nanomedicine 2012
General introduction This slide should provide answers to the following questions: Introduction of the topic and the research work What is the major objective/target of the work? Who are the actors? What kind of collaboration(s) is proposed ? (staff exchange, European project, bilateral collaboration, …) Application to calls (FP7-NMP or Health, EuroNanoMed, …)? Provisional budget? Deadlines? Present the slides in a accessible way for the highly interdisciplinary audience BaselEuropean Summit for Clinical Nanomedicine 2012
Content Highlight the technical content of the proposed work BaselEuropean Summit for Clinical Nanomedicine 2012
Relevance for collaborations Highlight the relevance to the Nanomedicine field Highlight the innovative approach out of the proposed work What is the benefit for potential partners? BaselEuropean Summit for Clinical Nanomedicine 2012