How the News Media Covers Politics AP GoPo
Bias Where can we see media bias in coverage of politics? What influence does the media have on public opinion?
Coverage of the President Teddy Roosevelt: – 1 st president to cultivate a relationship with the press – 1902 built the West Wing of the White House Included a room for reporters Franklin Roosevelt: – 1 st president to make full use of his press secretary (position created by Hoover) – Used as an instrument for cultivating/managing/informing the press
White House Press Secretary Today the Press Secretary is an integral part of the presidential team – Who is Obama’s new Press Secretary? Jay Carney resigned in the fall Replaced by Josh Earnest
White House Press Corps. Group of people who have a lounge in the White House – They wait for a story to break, to attend daily briefings, and to take advantage of photo-ops U.S. is the only nation in the world that has the press & the president in close proximity – Makes governmental actions more personalized
Congressional Coverage More likely to get negative coverage than the president or the Supreme Court – Doesn’t have one single spokesperson – Doesn’t arrange its schedule with press in mind
The House 435 members of the house Each have numerous specialized roles too much for tons of press attention Historically strict about media coverage of its proceedings – Until 1978 it prohibited TV cameras on floor with the exception of ceremonial occasions (State of the Union)
The House : – Didn’t allow electronic coverage of its committee hearings Started to change after 1974’s House Judiciary Committee discussion of impeaching Nixon 1979: – C-SPAN started providing gavel to gavel coverage of House speeches
The Senate Has used TV more than House – Gives them an advantage over Reps for getting publicity Senate committee hearings have been televised since 1950 – 1986: started allowing C-SPAN to cover its sessions
The Senate Senatorial use of televised committee hearings has helped make the Senate a breeding ground for presidential candidates – Like who?? – Have more opportunities to get publicity than governors Is that the case in NJ?
Supreme Court Least dependent on the press Doesn’t need public communication to get political support – Why? Justices are appointed by the president, not elected by the public Doesn’t need public support to legitimize rulings/decisions
Supreme Court Needs to appear as if its avoiding manipulation of the press – More complex coverage than the other 2 branches Ex: 2000 election: no press release of executive summary made it difficult to report on the decision
Supreme Court Doesn’t allow TV cameras to cover arguments Controls release of audio tapes Doesn’t allow reporters at their meetings – Why do they do this? John Oliver offers a solutionsolution