the future of Statistical Production CSPA
50 task team members 7 task teams CSPA 2015 project
The project has three main objectives: To extend the support offered for the implementation of CSPA compliant statistical services, To have a plan in place for continued investment in the development of CSPA services. To facilitate the transitioning of CSPA governance from HLG project governance arrangements
What is CSPA?
We need to modernise There are many “shaky bridge” platforms: rigid processes and methods; inflexible ageing technology; increasing cost of traditional data collection methods; inability to quickly respond to emerging information needs; slow to harness new and alternative sources of data (such as sensor, satellite); difficulty in attracting and retaining skilled staff in the competitive labour market. In an increasingly digital and data rich environment statistical organizations are struggling to remain relevant.
A modernisation blueprint exists CSPA provides a reference architecture to help each agency modernisation, based on common standards: GSBPM GSIM DDI / SDMX CSPA allows us to modernise our environment and use existing international solutions.
What is CSPA? CSPA provides a template architecture for official statistics, describing: − What the official statistical industry wants to achieve − How the industry can achieve this, i.e. principles that guide how statistics are produced − What the industry will have to do, compliance with the CSPA
Historically, statistical organizations have produced specialized business processes and IT systems The problem CSPA solves Many statistical organizations are modernising and transforming using Enterprise Architecture
….sharing becomes difficult! Disseminate When countries work on their own…
Collect Process Analyse Disseminat e ? ? Sweden Canada CSPA enables sharing
Technology Architecture Business Architecture Information Architecture Application Architecture
Technology Architecture Business Architecture Information Architecture Application Architecture
A Statistical Service GSIM object instances GSIM object structures (formats) GSIM object structures (formats) GSBPM -process
Objective 1: Extend the support offered for the implementation of CSPA compliant statistical services
At the end of 2014, there were still unanswered questions Too much room for interpretation
2015 Building with a more precise blueprint Statistics Organisations Environment CSPA Service
Precision of CSPA Easy to develop Hard to plug in Requires more to develop Easy to plug in LowerHigherPrecision
Precision of CSPA Cost for community Developing CSPA Adopting Services Building Services PrecisionLowerHigher
CSPA Logical Information Model
New Services in 2015 Classification retrieval service Probabilistic record linkage service Testing Confidentialised analysis of microdata service Web dissemination service
2015 project: Expected outputs 1.CSPA v1.5 2.CSPA Template Guidance 3.CSPA Implementation Guidance 4.Using the CSPA Logical Information Model 5.Logical Information Model Documentation
Sharing in Statistical Modernisation Community Objective 2: To have a plan in place for continued investment in the development of CSPA services
A vision for an aligned and collaboratively led community. Allows all of us to benefit from collaboration and sharing. Extending our existing sharing practices to the next level. Heads of Organizations agree in principle to sharing and collaborating in the community. Organizations contribute as much as they can, in what form they can (capability, funding, etc.) Sharing in the Community
Knowledge Base Investment Catalogue Capability Catalogue CSPA Service Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on future sharing opportunities Built in 2015 Focus on existing sharing opportunities Technical Repository
Capability Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on existing sharing opportunities A capability enables an organisation to undertake an activity. One capability can enable an organisation to undertake many activities Method People Standards and Frameworks Process Technology
Capability Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on existing sharing opportunities Why capabilities? GSBPM doesn’t help us identify where a single investment can impact multiple production processes Developing new systems based on GSBPM could lead to duplication of functionality in business processes There is a many to many relationship between capabilities and activities. The more a capability is reused by different activities the more money it saves us.
Sharing of any dimension of a capability can occur with different degrees of maturity. With more maturity in sharing comes: more confidence in the sustainability of things being shared; more clarity in roles of providers and consumers of the thing being shared; greater visibility of the status of things being shared. Capability Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on existing sharing opportunities
Capability Catalogue created for organisations to share existing solutions – not just technology Capability Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on existing sharing opportunities
Investment Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on future sharing opportunities We need to expose investment plans where we are willing to collaborate Tailored level of contribution allows every country to participate
Strategic Investment Planning Sharing plans between organisations Finding partners with similar priorities Trialing an Investment Comparison Tool Investment Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on future sharing opportunities
Investment Catalogue Built in 2015 Focus on future sharing opportunities What we are investing in?What types of investment?
Statistical organisations already participate in many international engagement activities that facilitate sharing. The marginal cost of doing this in a way that supports collaboration and complies with CSPA is relatively low, but the potential savings enabled by such a standard approach are high. Key Messages
2015 project: Expected outputs 6.Catalogue User Guide 7.Investment Catalogue 8.Capability Catalogue
Achieving success through HLG projects Objective 3: To facilitate the transitioning of CSPA governance from HLG project governance arrangements
HLG 2011: Process & Industrialisation 7 HLG Strategy "Statistical organizations should create environments that facilitate the reuse and sharing of methods, components, processes and data repositories”
HLG 2012
CSPA Assets built – Defined the concept and proved it 2014 – Proved that we can develop production services and make them visible and available 2015 – Address remaining implementation challenges and made the assets sustainable Assets: CSPA – the architecture v1.5 Logical Information Model Catalogues
Why are these assets important? A Statistical Service GSIM object instances GSIM object structures (formats) GSBPM - process Gartner Says It's Not Just About Big Data; It's What You Do With It: Welcome to the Algorithmic Economy
Ongoing CSPA work Stream 1: Core governance and maintenance work Stream 2: Implementation Support Stream 3: Enabling Sharing
Proposed new governance from 2016 onwards
2015 project: Expected outputs 1.CSPA v1.5 2.CSPA Template Guidance 3.CSPA Implementation Guidance 4.Using the CSPA Logical Information Model 5.Logical Information Model Documentation 6.Catalogue User Guide 7.Investment Catalogue 8.Capability Catalogue 9.Updated CSPA brochures and webpage
CSPA Wiki How do I find out more?