”Climate change is not science fiction. It’s real, it’s happening now and it will be with us throughout the century” From the report of theInternational Energy Agency Beyond Kyoto: Energy Dynamics and Climate Stabilization 2002
Potential climate changes impact
The temperature will increase long after emissions are reduced
Energy 80% of CO2 emissions are from the energy sector (75% from burning of fossil fuels) Doing something about climate will mean doing something about energy use Energy is the perfect embodiment of development and environment. How we use it is essential to both.
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OECD Global CO2 Emission Scenarios (
How can energy policy reinvent itself to meet this challenge? Re-theorize energy consumption choice as a product of supply and demand Re-politicize energy. It will take more than market efficiency to meet climate challenges Aim at reduction, not just efficiency
Examples of new approaches to energy policy in Europe Innovative forms for information Step tariffs for energy (electricity) Volume and size-oriented standards and labels (size of refrigerators, number of cars) Retention and reinforcement of systems based on sharing (mobility, laundry, other) Carbon caps on commercial and residential energy consumption.
Sustainable development World Bank James D. Wolfensohn, 2001 Growth in material well-being is a central element in advancing human welfare and reducing poverty…Sustaining (economic) growth over the long term therefore requires that such (environmental) problems be addressed integrally in current growth strategies and investment programs
Sustainable Development OECD/CSD 1990 Reduced levels of production and consumption in the industrialized world An absolute reduction of resource use Simpler lifestyles while maintaining present standards of living Greatly increased energy and material efficiency A rethinking of the notion of ”quality of life” to emphasize less materialistic goals