MONDAY, AUGUST 311 Write the definitions. 1. Subconscious (adj) present in the mind without awareness of it. 2. Feeble (adj) physically or mentally weak. 3. Neurosurgeon (n) doctors who study and operate on the brain. 4. Opportunist (n) someone who takes advantage of every opportunity, regardless of the consequences. 5. Conjunction - a word that connects together a phrase or clause in a sentence, like for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so
MONDAY, AUGUST 312 Write the definitions: 6. Refute - (v) to prove that something is false or incorrect. 7. Equivalent - (adj) a description to show something is the same or equal 8. Regression - (n) a return to an earlier or less developed stage 9. Shrew - (n) a bad tempered nagging woman 10. Petition -(n, v) a formal request presented to authority or to make or present a formal request to (an authority) with respect to a particular cause.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 12 Write out the complete sentence. Underline the vocabulary word, and circle the conjunction. 1. Charlie asks the doctors to refute his study, yet they are not capable of doing it. 2. Dr. Nemur’s intelligence is not equivalent to the intelligence of Charlie, but the doctor tries to hide that fact.
TUESDAY, SEPT. 11 Short Response: Use complete sentences. 1. How does Charlie show that sometimes ignorance is bliss? 2. Do you agree with this portrayal, or description, of ignorance? Dude, it’s reading time! Complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 22 Write out the complete sentence. Underline the vocabulary word, and circle the conjunction. 1. Algernon’s regression begins, so Charlie knows that he will also lose his intelligence. 2. Acceptance doesn’t come to Charlie when he is feeble minded nor in his time as a genius. 3. A TV plays while Charlie sleeps, and Charlie’s subconscious gathers knowledge.
WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 21 Short Response: Use complete sentences. 1. If scientists discovered an easy way to increase intelligence and create superhuman geniuses in the world, should the procedure be used worldwide? Dude, it’s reading time! Complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 31 Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. 1. Dr. Nemur said that Dr. Strauss was nothing but an _____________ who was trying to ride his coattails to glory. 2. Some thought Dr. Nemur had a _______ of a wife who was pushing him all the time to work. 3. The workers at the factory signed a ____________ requesting Charlie to be fired.
THURSDAY, SEPT. 32 Write out the synonyms and the vocabulary word that relates. 1. Unconscious, hidden, subliminal: _____________________ 2. Weak, frail, delicate: _____________________________ Dude, it’s reading time! Complete one TCJ while you read. That means choose and copy a meaningful quote from your novel on the left side, and respond with and example or anecdote in at least three sentences on the right side. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 41 Complete the sentence with the correct vocabulary word. 1. Learning and understanding can be hard for a ___________-minded person. 2. Charlie is not aware of the thoughts and feelings in the _______________ part of his mind. 3. Dr. Strauss said that someday thousands of ___________ might be using his technique all over the world. Dude, it’s reading time! Complete one TCJ while you read. Remember: Use quotation marks in the page number. Correct Format: Author’s name (Last, First.) Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication. Source Type.
FRIDAY, SEPT. 42 Write out the synonyms and the vocabulary word that relates. 1. Disprove, contradict, counter: _______________________ 2. Reversion, lapse, deterioration: _______________________ 3. Equal, alike, same: ________________________________