Alabama, Alabama, We will aye be true to thee, From thy Southern shores where groweth, By the sea thy orange tree. To thy Northern vale where floweth, Deep blue the Tennessee, Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee! Broad thy stream whose name thou bearest; Grand thy Bigbee rolls along; Fair thy Coosa-Tallapoosa Bold thy Warrior, dark and strong, Goodlier than the land that Moses Climbed lone Nebo's Mount to see, Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee! From thy prairies broad and fertile, Where thy snow-white cotton shines, To the hills where coal and iron Hide in thy exausted mines, Strong -armed miners -sturdy farmers; Loyal hearts what'er we be, Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee! From thy quarries where the marble White as that of Paros gleams Waiting till thy sculptor'ss chisel, Wake to life thy poet's dreams; Fear not only wealth of nature, Wealth of mind has no fee, Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee! Where the perfumed south-wind whispers, Thy magnolia groves among, Softer than a mother's kisses, Sweeter than a mother's song, Where the golden jasmine trailing, Woos the treasure-laden bee, Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee! Brave and pure thy men and women, Better this than corn and wine Make us worthy, God in Heaven Of this goodly land of Thine. Hearts as open as thy doorways. Liberal hands and spirits free. Alabama, Alabama, we will aye be true to thee!
2010 ALABAMA MANUFACTURERS REGISTER® AND CD-ROM DATABASES Looking to identify and contact Alabama manufacturers and their decision makers? The 2010 Alabama Manufacturers Register® and databases contain in-depth company profiles of 6,738 industrial businesses and 20,945 executives by name & title. Each Alabama business is profiled in detail containing essential company facts. View a sample company profile. Comes with unlimited usage. More than 15% of Alabama’s two million workers are employed in manufacturing, many in the transportation equipment and food products industries. Honda, Mercedes Benz, Hyundai, Boeing, BF Goodrich, Siemens VDO Automotive and Delphi Saginaw Steering Systems all have huge plants here. The state's poultry processing industry employs 20,300, as Tyson Foods, Gold Kist and Wayne Farms each have multiple locations here. Alabama is home to athletic apparel maker Russell Corp., the American Cast Iron Pipe Co. and software developer Intergraph Corp. ISBN # ISSN # pages. Published each April.sample company profile Manufacturers Directory Firms Execs Fax Price Buy ALABAMA MANUFACTURERS REGISTER® 6,738 20,945 6,057 3,972 $107 Manufacturers Databases Firms Execs Fax Price Buy EZ SELECT FULL 6,738 15,933 6,057 3,972 $493 EZ SELECT 20+ EMPLOYEES 2,510 8,095 2,454 1,766 $338 EZ SELECT BASIC 6,738 15,933 6,057 3,972 $172 Up To 25% OFF CD-ROM & Book Packages Firms Execs Fax Price Buy EZ SELECT FULL & BOOK 6,738 15,933 6,057 3,972 $509 EZ SELECT 20+ EMPLOYEES & BOOK 2,510 8,095 2,454 1,766 $370 EZ SELECT BASIC & BOOK 6,738 15,933 6,057 3,972 $221 Do business in Kentucky, Mississippi, or Tennessee? Expand beyond invisible state boundaries with regional packages and save up to 57%!Manufacturers DirectoryManufacturers Databasesregional packages Alabama Business Information Search Terms: Alabama Business Database, Alabama Business Directory, Alabama Business Leads, Alabama Business List, Alabama Business Profiles, Alabama Business Register, Alabama Industrial Database, Alabama Industrial Directory, Alabama Industrial Guide, Alabama Industrial Leads, Alabama Industrial List, Alabama Industrial Profiles, Alabama Industrial Register, Alabama Industry Database, Alabama Industry Directory, Alabama Industry Guide, Alabama Industry Leads, Alabama Industry List, Alabama Industry Profiles, Alabama Industry Register, Alabama Manufacturers, Alabama Manufacturers Database, Alabama Manufacturers Directory, Alabama Manufacturers Guide, Alabama Manufacturers Leads, Alabama Manufacturers List, Alabama Manufacturers Profiles, Alabama Manufacturers Register, Alabama Manufacturing, Alabama Manufacturing Companies, Alabama Manufacturing Database, Alabama Manufacturing Directory, Alabama Manufacturing Guide, Alabama Manufacturing Leads, Alabama Manufacturing List, Alabama Manufacturing Profiles, Alabama Manufacturing Register, Alabama Industrial Companies, Alabama Trade Directory, Alabama Industrial, Alabama Industry ……