Asturias Baden-Württemberg Basque Country Catalonia Dalarna Emilia-Romagna Flanders Ile - de - France Lombardy Malopolska Navarra Nord-Pas de Calais Norte North Rhine-Westphalia Ostrobothnia Pays de la loire Randstad Region Rhône-Alpes Saxony Scotland Silesia Skåne South-Denmark South-Netherlands Tampere Region Upper-Austria Wallonia
Origin of the Vanguard Initiative New Growth through Smart Specialisation 8 November 2013 – 10 Partner Regions What is new about the Vanguard Initiative? A political initiative of the regions to use smart specialisation strategies as a policy approach for new growth in the EU. A commitment to lead-by-example, engaging in interregional collaborations based on bottom- up entrepreneurship and industry-led clusters for co-investing in European priority domains. A capacity to influence the European industrial policy debate and pilot with the EC new mechanisms for providing multi-level support to interregional cluster cooperation.
Political meeting of the Vanguard Initiative 30 January 2014 – 15 Partner Regions Results of the meeting of political leaders and their representatives: Signing of a ‘Letter of Engagement for a European Industrial Renaissance’ to the President of the European Council High-level debate on common vision and action to weigh on the industrial debate held in the European Council in March; meeting with Commission representatives Formulating a response to the Communication of the EC ‘For a European Industrial Renaissance’ by offering joint piloting of Smart Specialisation Platform on Advanced Manufacturing Deciding on the next steps of the Vanguard Initiative and new meeting for stock-taking after the new Commission is installed
Letter of Engagement to President Van Rompuy Three Objectives Political engagement of regions for interregional cooperation in European strategic priority areas on the basis of smart specialisation : exchange of good practices and alignment of roadmaps to achieve complementarities. Focus on an investment boost in demonstrators and pilots for deploying European lead-markets (such as KETs, bio- based products, sustainable construction, clean vehicles, smart grids, …), supported by instruments at all policy levels Upgrading regional clusters into world-class clusters through cross-border cooperation and networking in international value chains.
Smart specialisation on the European Agenda “Building on the work of the task forces, the Commission proposes to Member States to combine regional and industrial policy tools to create Smart Specialisation Platforms to help regions roll out smart specialisation programmes by facilitating contacts between firms and clusters, enabling access to the innovative technologies and market opportunities.” EC Communication ‘For a European Industrial Renaissance’, 22 January 2014 “ … smart specialisation should be promoted at all levels, including through the efficient use of public investment in research. This will facilitate contacts between firms and clusters and improve access to innovative technologies.” Conclusions of the European Council, March 2014 Starting the mainstreaming of smart specialisation as key principle for efficient and effective innovation and industrial policies, facilitation of interregional matching.
Pilot action Smart Specialisation Platform Advanced Manufacturing 18 March – ongoing – 17 Partner Regions Leading-by-example: a first illustration! Joint efforts with DG Enterprise and other Commission services. Two workshops (18 March and 15 May) with experts from the regions and EC officials Questionnaire to map priorities, actors, infrastructures (‘drill-down’ the RIS3) Scoping Paper (prepared by Technopolis on the basis of the questionnaire and workshops) to support the work of the VI Regions in developing this platform
Pilot Action Smart Specialisation Platform Advanced Manufacturing (SSP ADMA) Conclusions from the Scoping Paper A clear rationale for the proposed SSP ADMA, not achievable through existing platforms and mechanisms: Emerging evidence of market and systemic failures: information deficiencies; limitations in scale capacity; technological expertise; infrastructure Access needed to information for co-investment opportunities (sufficient granularity) and financial instruments for demonstrators A method to meet the challenges in the ADMA agenda: learn- connect-demonstrate- upscale Mapping of ADMA activities for realising new potential from existing and emerging clusters in ADMA domain and unlocking the pan-EU S3 potential Providing the environment to ‘join forces’ in new and dynamic ways
Pilot Action Smart Specialisation Platform Advanced Manufacturing (SSP ADMA) Next Steps VI regions organising industry-led events, to further explore opportunities to develop EU value chains by co-investment Events aim to generate proposals which can be translated into jointly funded projects ‘Conditions’: Industry-leadership; mediated by cluster platforms Demonstrable international market potential for large-scale projects/investments by networked demonstration, with origins in interregional cooperation Exemplars to boost EU-value chains in ADMA through smart specialisation Leading by example in supporting the European industrial policy roadmap
Pilot Action Smart Specialisation Platform Advanced Manufacturing (SSP ADMA) Three pilots on ADMA areas VI regions organising industry-led events on 3 specific ADMA areas, to further explore opportunities to develop EU value chains by co-investment Advanced manufacturing for Energy Related Applications in Harsh Environments (lead: Scotland and Basque Country) High-performance production with 3D-printing (lead: South-Netherlands, Flanders and Norte) Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing (lead: Catalonia and Lombardy) The focus will be on the joint development of networks of demonstrators and pilots to accelerate market development in Europe for existing and emerging industries with competitive and high-value added products
Three Pilot Initiatives for Smart SSP ADMA
Pilot Project on Advanced Manufacturing for Energy Related Applications in Harsh Environments Pilot ADMA Energy Concept V1 ADMA Energy Concept V2 ADMA Energy Concept V3 Second Industrial engagement in each pilot region Deliver industry events Industry ideas to develop concept V2 to V3 ADMA Energy Concept V3 – Industry endorsed 09/12/2014 to 15/07/2015 Planning Identify full stakeholder list Set-up Industry Leadership Group
Pilot Project on Advanced Manufacturing for Energy Related Applications in Harsh Environments Pilot ADMA Energy Concept V1 ADMA Energy Concept V2 ADMA Energy Concept V3 Second Industrial engagement in each pilot region Deliver industry events Industry ideas to develop concept V2 to V3 ADMA Energy Concept V3 – Industry endorsed 09/12/2014 to 15/07/2015 Planning Identify full stakeholder list Set-up Industry Leadership Group Targeted segments: Offshore Oil & Gas Unconventional Oil & Gas Marine Renewables Blue Water Mining
Pilot Project ‘High Performance Production by 3D-Printing’ Mapping, Matching en Co – Investing in Interregional Value Chains 15 regions engage in a ‘Joint Demonstration Initiative’ for 3D-Printing Solutions
Pilot Project ‘High Performance Production by 3D-Printing’ Application domains - challenges Healthcare Automotive Aerospace Machinery and instruments Electronic and electr. devices Creative industries Textiles e.o. Mapping, Matching en Co – Investing in Interregional Value Chains 15 regions engage in a ‘Joint Demonstration Initiative’ for 3D-Printing Solutions
Pilot Project Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing Goal to realize a network of demo-sites and pilot lines at regional level that will enable manufacturing companies to develop highly efficient and sustainable processes, technologies, systems and methods INVOLVED DOMAINS Manufacturing efficiency, with the goals of increasing quality and reducing costs. Environmental and social sustainability of Manufacturing, with the goals of reducing energy, materials consumption, emissions. IMPACTS Regional sharing of existing capabilities for pilot and demo purposes Reduction of pollution, energy consumption, dependency from raw materials Smart use and re-cycling of water consumed for manufacturing processes Development of new technologies Creation of new high added-value competences and skilled workforce in key-strategic areas
Pilot Project Efficient and Sustainable Manufacturing Goal to realize a network of demo-sites and pilot lines at regional level that will enable manufacturing companies to develop highly efficient and sustainable processes, technologies, systems and methods INVOLVED DOMAINS Manufacturing efficiency, with the goals of increasing quality and reducing costs. Environmental and social sustainability of Manufacturing, with the goals of reducing energy, materials consumption, emissions. IMPACTS Regional sharing of existing capabilities for pilot and demo purposes Reduction of pollution, energy consumption, dependency from raw materials Smart use and re-cycling of water consumed for manufacturing processes Development of new technologies Creation of new high added-value competences and skilled workforce in key-strategic areas Possible Projects Adaptive and smart manufacturing systems Digital and virtual factory Manufacturing and assembly of large complex products Smart manufacturing for textiles Smart manufacturing for off-shore wind power systems Smart Manufacturing of power electronics Demanufacturing Energy and environmental efficiency of Manufacturing processes Manufacturing of sustainable advanced components and materials Manufacturing for health
Industrial Policy Roadmap: elements of interest for the Vanguard Initiative “Value-added chains, from the procurement of raw materials to business services and distribution, as well as links with research, training and education centres must be better integrated. Cluster-facilitated demonstration projects for value chain innovation will also be financed through Horizon 2020 in support of the implementation of smart specialisation strategies.” EC Communication ‘For a European Industrial Renaissance’, 22 January 2014, p. 18 “KETs of high industrial interest, such as batteries for electro- mobility, intelligent materials, high performance production and industrial bio-processes, should be strengthened by swiftly identifying projects of European interest.” Conclusions of the European Council, March 2014, p. 6
Annual Meeting of political leaders 13 November 2014 – 21 Partner Regions Organised by Lombardy region (under Italian presidency) Back-to-back with the conference ‘Emerging Industries’ on November 2014 To take stock of the achievements of the Vanguard Initiative in the past year Showcasing the first results of the mapping and matching efforts in the framework of the three pilot initiatives SSP Advanced Manufacturing Arranging further cooperation with the EC for the Industrial Policy roadmap and the Juncker Plan
Supporting the setting up of interregional networks fostering co-investment in European priority areas, e.g. the pilot actions for the Smart Specialisation Platform Advanced Manufacturing. Facilitating access to combined funding for co-investment projects, taking advantage of better synergies between regional, national and European instruments. Exploring solutions to leverage public-private investments through EIB/EIF, to support demonstration and piloting in European industry clusters. Working on implementation of smart specialisation strategies to foster better alignment through pilots for policy learning. Contributing to the European Cluster Strategy for New Growth, with smart specialisation at its core, through pilots for interregional and transnational cluster policy development. Developing the Vanguard Initiative to stimulate and support a strategic dialogue among our members and with the European Commission. Annual Meeting of political leaders Milan Declaration – Engagements
Further Actions in 2014 Policy meeting on Innovation Policy (4 June, Skåne): preparation for a contribution to the European policy agenda on innovation from the Vanguard Initiative Regions. Meeting with members of the European Parliament (8 October): the start of a fruitful relationship in moving industry and innovation policy forward in the future debate Workshop Cluster Policy (20 October): Deliver key and early messages on the bottlenecks and needs as regards instruments identified by practitioners of clusters policies to leverage concrete clusters collaboration at the cross- regional level.
High Level Policy Forum Edinburgh March Partner Regions High Level Policy Forum Edinburgh March Partner Regions Innovation The Future of Smart Specialisation Innovation Delivery Eco-systems Internationalisation Interregional Collaboration Interregional sharing of skills and infrastructures Investment Funds and Financial Instruments European Structural and Investment Funds
How to become a member of the VI Vanguard Initiative Members Signed the Vanguard Initiative ‘declaration’ Participate in the pilot actions of the VI, starting with the questionnaire concerning regional activity in Advanced Manufacturing Attend the meetings of the Brussels Vanguard Initiative Network Undertake all follow up actions resulting from quarterly meetings Are strongly encouraged to become an active member of the ‘Task Groups’