Surgical Oncology Surgical Oncology 05/13/12 – 05/19/2012 David Williams Andy Young Ashley Limkemann Yula Dzhashiashvili
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 05/14Bear/ DzhashiashviliLeft nipple discharge, intraductal lesion Excisional biopsy of left breast duct by preoperative galactogram and needle localization 05/14Bear/ DzhashiashviliLeft Breast DCIS Left segmental mastectomy with needle localization 05/14Bear/ YoungLeft posterior thigh lipoma Excision of.. 05/14Grover/LimkemannLeft breast biopsy showing slight epithelial atypia with microcalcifications Left breast excisional biopsy by needle localization 05/14Kaplan/Seitelman/ Williams Esophageal cancerExploratory laparotomy, Liver biopsy 05/14Kaplan/WilliamsLeft groin lymphadenopathy Inguinal Lymph Node Excision OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 05/15Takabe/ YoungInfected left Port-A-CathRemoval of infected left Port-A-Cath 05/15Vu/ YoungLeft Breast AbscessIncision and Drainage of… 05/16Grover/ DzhashiashviliHistory Right breast cancer Removal of port-a-cath 05/16Grover/ DzhashiashviliRight breast ductal carcinoma in situ Right segmental mastectomy with needle localization 05/16GroverLymphomaPort-a-cath placement 05/16Grover/ DzhashiashviliLymphadenopathyLeft axillary lymph node biopsy 05/16Grover/ YoungMultinodular goiterTotal thyroidectomy OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 05/16Kaplan/ WilliamsPancreas massDiagnostic Laproscopy, Distal Pancreaticomy 05/16Kaplan/ EspinoLeft nipple discharge, Left breast central duct excision 05/16Kaplan/ YoungLymphadenopathyRight cervical lymphadenectomy 05/16Kaplan/ Williams/Young Right colon mass with high-grade dysplasia Laparoscopic hand- assisted right hemicolectomy 05/17Grover/ YoungLeft breast invasive ductal carcinoma Left segmental mastectomy with needle localization Sentinel lymph node biopsy of the left axilla 05/18Grover/ YoungLeft Thyroid NoduleRobotic left hemithyroidectomy OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResDxProcedure 05/18Grover/LimkemannHistory Right breast cancer Removal of port-a-cath 05/18Grover/ DzhashiashviliRight Breast AbscessIncision and Drainage 05/18Takabe/LimkemannLeft axillary lymphadenopathy Left Axillary Excision Of Lymph Node OR Cases
DatePatientAtt/ResComplicationProcedure None Death and Complication