Advanced Web Technologies By: Faraz Ahmed
Contents 0 Course Outline 0 Architectures 0 HTTP
Course definition[1] 0 This course would deal with the advanced techniques for constructing better, efficient and robust web apps. It would briefly touch upon the major concepts ranging from simple HTTP to advanced semantic web.
Stage 1 0 Introduction to Web applications and review of basic concepts: client-server architecture, three- and n-tier models, static versus dynamic pages, server- database connectivity 0 Client-side technologies: HTTP protocol, HTML and related (CSS, JavaScript, etc.) 0 Using formal methods in the development of Web applications 0 The Model-View-Controller (MVC) paradigm 0 Web Services using RESTful
Stage 2 0 Introduction: Semi-structured data. 0 XML: core concepts 0 DTDs, a simple schema language for XML documents 0 XPath, a navigation language for XML documents 0 XSLT, a transformation language for XML documents
Stage 3 0 Introduction to the Semantic Web 0 RDF and RDF-Schema 0 Basics of knowledge representation and informal introduction to OWL 0 Protégé
Client Server Architecture[2]
3-Tier Architecture[2]
Multi-tiered Architecture[2]
HTTP Application level protocol for distributed, collaborative collaborative, hypermedia information systems.
HTTP 0 Abbreviation for ? 0 A web crawler –user agent 0 Stateless protocol
Maintaining State 0 Sessions 0 Cookies 0 Passing data at each request-response cycle
Caching 0 What is caching? 0 What are the benefits?
Caching (cont.) 0 Preventing Cache 0 Cache-control to no-cache 0 Allowing Cache 0 No cache-control header 0 Private: only the client can cache it. 0 Public: every intermediate node or the client can cache it.
Caching (cont.) 0 Preventing Cache 0 Cache-control to no-cache 0 Allowing Cache 0 No cache-control header 0 Private: only the client can cache it. 0 Public: every intermediate node or the client can cache it.
HTML 0 Hyper text markup language 0 What are markup languages 0 Together with HTTP, form the hypermedia
Dynamic HTML 0 Difference 0 What is CSS ? 0 What is javaScript? 0 Java applet, and ActiveX controls
XHTML 0 Browser Compatibility 0 Extensible 0 Trivial differences here [3]
References 1) “Course Outline- Advanced Web Technologies”, visited on 3rd Jan 2011“Networking 2) “3-Tier Client/Server Architecture”, visited on 3rd Jan 2011 3) “What is XHTML”, visited on 3 rd Jan 2011http://